
Friday, March 15, 2013

A Few New Things...

We have had requests for a donation button. People say they want to help but are very limited on what they can do, but would like to help pay for someone else to go in their place. So I made a Donation Button which will is on the top right of the page or at the very bottom. All proceeds will go toward transportation or promotion of this event.

One of the members of the Facebook page started a Ride Share Page! on Facebook.

Another memeber started a Petition page.

What can you do to HELP????

Web design, or know how to link everything together?

Spread the word!



  1. What is the ripple effect when your plan goes into action?

  2. The ripple effect in this country or around the world?

    1. State to state.

    2. If your talking politically, hopefully the State will take back it's own sovereign statehood. Remember each state is suppose to be like it's own little Nation all United as one Country. The Federal Gov. is suppose to have very little power and very little duties. The are Not suppose to be the main controlling factor in the country. That's why each State has it's own Constitution.
      This was a Republic at one time. On this Earth there was no higher power than you. As long as you obeyed Common Law, you could do as you pleased. The actual pecking order was You, your local gov. State gov. then Fed gov. Now it's completely turned around. The only remaining evidence of that is your local Sheriff. Do you know they are the only Law Enforcement that directly refuse to enforce any Federal Laws, and arrest any Federal Agents trying to enforce those laws. It just happened in Indiana where a sheriffs dept marched federal agents of a farm at gunpoint over raw milk, and threatened to arrest them if they returned without a warrant signed by a local judge. Look at all the Sheriffs coming out publicly saying they will not enforce any new federal gun laws.

    3. Governor of Colorado just might as well handed the whole state over to the Feds with the latest gun bill signing circus.
      Here's a part of Huffington Post about Colorado.
      "Police chiefs in urban areas supported the bills, but some rural county sheriffs opposed the new background checks, arguing the move is unenforceable and endangers Second Amendment rights."

  3. Do we have a rough tally on how many will be coming?

    1. That number will never be known until the day of the March. I tell everyone that I can only guarantee that I will be there and the people backing me up and a couple of their backups. If you have had enough, know there has got to be a REAL change for the People, then I'll see you there!

  4. You need to put a face to the movement. Get some interviews everywhere you can. Vanguard, Alex Jones, the young Turks even main stream media. There a lot of people that know something wrong but don't know your here. Try getting on local Tv and find people regionally to spread the word on their locals. Time is short.!

    1. The layers are thick before you can actually talk to someone that might matter. We have been trying to contact alternative media first. That's why the more people that do find out, n=might have that direct contact, and if they believe enough they will get the word to those people.

  5. The ipetition does not go far enough. It addresses some issues but does not demand a response.

    1. The petition is basically about one issue that I don't think anyone can object to, even those that are not awake yet.
      The action of the March is their consequence for doing nothing. The demand will be part of giving them the petition but not in the petition itself. There are literally dozens of petitions out there right now that are about getting money out of politics. We just want to add to those numbers.

  6. Please pm me. Howareya79@gmail. I have been trying to raise awareness myself. It's time to act, no more bullshit. I reach out to 5-7 thousand people weekly, on my page. Please contact me, as I am willing to help organize

  7. Are prayer/candlelight vigils being organized for those unable to attend the march? Do you know? I think it's a good idea, and gives those of use who choose to stay behind with the children something to do for those of you who go.

    Because you guys will need a lot of Divine Intervention. =) I am willing to host one (located in Western WA), and can be reached at for those interested.

  8. Do you have a Facebook page, fine Sir? If not, I would recommend highly the making of one.I've been spreading like a champ for a week now. Also, can you direct me to any pages where peopl are organizing buses to D.C> on April 20th? My anme's Josh and my email addy is Thanks!

    1. You can find us at Facebook page The Consensus. I think it is posted here.
      One of the members of that page created a "Ride Share" page which also should have a link here and on the Facebook page.
      Thanks for the support!


    Check out the link. This song brings tears to my eyes and a chill to my spine every time, and I've listened to it ALOT. I think it suits what we're about.

  10. I know you are getting a lot of these. But please try to contact me directly. I live in Central MA and am willing and able. But I would like to speak one on one if possible.
    Also, I ma doing all I can to raise awareness in MA. I have already contacted Alex Jones several time over the past week and am beginning to contact the local news stations.
    Before I can proceed much further, I need to know if you are worried about the "System", or people working or for the "System" seeing your site.
    Please at the very least, reply to this here.

    Thank you and I salute you!

    SPC (Anonymous)
    United States Army

    "I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life."

    1. You can contact me directly at or on Facebook page The Consensus.
      Believe me with all the data mining they do they already know, especially being on Facebook. But that is part of the plan. We want them to know on all levels that we are not going to tolerate this anymore and we are Not after the people, we are after the system or the money that corrupts. We don't want to hurt other Americans, most of them are on our side. This is not like a revolution where we have to remove a foreign standing army. We do not want to change the form or structure of Gov. we just want our representatives to actually represent us.

  11. I'll tell u what, I would love to take these "leaders" in their troika sleds down a few pegs. My great grandparents stow away on a ship during the first purges in communist Russia . And he said he saw America going the same way.
    I'm so disgusted, I know a march on the corporate government of DC will do nothing. Historically there's only one way to change it...

    1. This is Not just another protest or March on DC.

  12. Meeio, it's been a while since you posted any updates.
    Is everything still on schedule? And is there a timeline on new information?


    1. I'm sorry, I spend most of my time On facebook page The Consensus.
      That's where the most eyeballs are and I have to drive as much traffic here as possible.
      I just spend most of my day trying to unite different Groups together or trying to make contacts with any media source.
      I should make a daily post here too.

    2. try glen beck/the blaze he has many subscribers.
