March 10th 2013....
There will be some major changes to this movement in the near future. We are getting together with other Groups... You can basically think of this as the politicians consequences to what these other Groups have planned. We will get more info out ASAP!!!! Thanks!
Plan of Action:
This is Not a Rally or Protest this is the Outline for the 2nd American rEvolution! This is a Peaceful Movement First and foremost! No Weapons Allowed! We will just not allow them to use their aggressive tactics against the People. It is time for ALL Americans to stop this lunacy called Gov. and this system designed in fraud, secrecy, and deception. Every day we don’t, those in charge (Not the Puppets) are becoming more blatant in showing their true plans. Those plans are irrelevant. What is relevant is what we do NOW! They already have everything in place to move this country where the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights will have no meaning at all, they are already mostly destroyed. Put down your labels and join the Fight for this country. You are a Human first with Rights that you Must Stand Up for or they will Be Lost Forever. Stop allowing them to divide us. I know most are saying easier said than done. Nobody wants to be the First to Fall on their Sword.
Hopefully we will get several millions of people in DC. The main rally point will be the Ulysses S Grant Memorial west of the US Capitol Building the area is also known as “The Grotto” We will demand that ALL of Congress and ALL Elected Federal Government Officials and those appointed to office by them dismiss themselves from office immediately! (Not the people that actually do the work for the Federal Government) They will have a 24 hour deadline to vacate their offices and leave peacefully and unharmed. Their Deadline Date is Noon, April 21st 2013, at that time we will all march forward to take back OUR buildings. We are not there to hurt people or destroy buildings. We are after the “System”.
Main Goal and Objective:
To eliminate the “System” that controls this country. Restore this country back to a TRUE REPUBLIC. We Need to restore the Original Bill of Rights and the US Constitution (Without reversing Human Rights Advancements) Make sure the US Constitution and Bill of Rights has no ambiguity, vagueness, or loopholes to make sure this Great Country can never be perverted into the Monstrosity that it is today!
Pre-March Planning
1. Start Saving a little money every week for transportation to DC and supplies for two days, food and mostly water. (carpool with friends)
2. Contact 5 friends that you know will have your back no matter WHAT! (This will be explained more later). These are NOT FB “Friends”, unless these are people you know personally and can contact in person. Bring three of your friends on April 20th, and leave at least one or two at home. (more later)
3. You MUST Leave All Weapons at home! They know how to deal with violence and guns, and their weapons are more powerful, but we have the numbers. We will also have a petition of hopefully 10’s of millions of people that have had enough, should not be hard that is actually a small percentage of the population.
4. Nobody will allow another person to be arrested or detained by the police. Nobody will allow the police to use any type of aggressive techniques against the People. This includes, pepper spray, tear gas, LRAD sound cannons, batons etc. You must be willing to run towards the sound of gun fire and NOT AWAY! You MUST be Willing to Charge the Aggression no Matter how Many other fellow downed Humans you must climb over. If they fire live rounds into the crowd, do NOT Run and hide, Move forward. If they choose to execute 10’s of thousands of Unarmed Americans, then they will have definitely lost. Support will increase tenfold. This is not a march of Martyrs. We will not proceed with the above plan if only 1,000 or even 20,000 people show up. Over 500,000 are really needed.
5. This is where your friends come into play. If the Police and military come full force, or start killing People then our friends will be the support team with all supplies needed and should be ready to go right away or meet the April 21st Deadline. Make sure friends have enough gas and supplies to get to DC, all infrastructures could be shut down due to Martial Law.
If you are NOT WILLING to Run Toward police gun fire, or Know You Are Willing to Die for this Country, STAY HOME!!! This is NOT a candlelight vigil!
If the Government Officials do not leave their Offices by the Deadline Date of April 21st, 12:00pm Noon, We will divide our forces and Start taking back OUR BUILDINGS! Our support team should be right behind us. The reason for two, in case one gets arrested before and two will be easier to travel to avoid law enforcement.
So what do we do when we take over the system?
1. Guarantee the Military is with the people and still properly supplied and effective to protect this country during transition.
2. Open instant access for the public to all proceedings via web, and other Media outlets that are available. (TV, Radio… more explained below.)
3. Place “People” in temporary positions for head offices for safe transition (Pres. Vice, etc.)
4. Correct any ambiguity or flaws in the US Constitution which allowed the system to take over in the first place. An addition to the Constitution, sort of Pre- Preamble, not an Amendment or change the doccument itself. (The government does everything under the guise of safety. This way the can say they are providing for the commonwealth, and the Supremacy Clause which allows them to do whatever they want.)
5. Restore this country to a True Republic and restore common law.
6. Restore the 2nd Amendment completely. We will need “Good” responsible people to help monitor their communities to ensure safe transition. The police can NOT do this alone. Concealed weapons should be allowed during transition only. Weapons should be exposed and holstered or slung unless eminent danger exists. Concealed weapons are actually “unlawful” the govt. has made it “legal” by taking away your Right and replacing it with a licensed permit. This will Not turn into the Wild West. (more on this later)
7. Bring in the most qualified from the ”people” via recommendations from the Public to temporarily head main departments of the government. These “people” will determine the best course of action for each department that would most benefit the “People”. (FDA, EDUC. IRS. etc.)
8. Establish control of monetary system and establish direction based on recommendations. (Boy, do I have one)
9. All Sovereign Rights of the Each State and each Individual Sovereign Rights will be Restored Immediately. Some States have actually abolished Individual Sovereign Rights. (Illinois, Look at the bottom of their State Constitution.) How can you abolish a “Sovereign” right? This country was created so that all States were to be their own Nation and Not controlled by the Federal Govt. and We the People are The True Sovereigns of the LAND. (Please look up the definition Sovereign)
10. Release all prisoners convicted of Non-Violent, Victimless crimes. One day behind bars is too long for crime that the only victim was the person. Past crime record will also help determine “non-violent offender” and not just the conviction that put them in prison.
This list can be a lot longer, but this is just an example of some of the things that should take after, and some of it actually before. We will be trying to contact some key “people”.
Offensive and Defensive Tactics
List of 6 items everyone will need.
Certain “Groups” will need additional items. (More on different “Groups” later)
Everyone should be wearing clothes like they were going to the biggest job interview in their life. Because we are, we will be looking for support from the rest of the country and the world. I said I will be wearing a suit and tie. Rubber sole shoes are a must. I actually own a pair of dress type shoes with steel toes and rubber soles. I do not expect people to go out and by those. Wear boots or gym shoes. Remember we do not want to look like a motley crew. Do NOT dress in camouflage, fatigues, black clothes representing “Black Block”, or any type of Masks. As I said, I am a Responsible, Caring, “Good” Human and I will act as such, I will expect to be treated as such, and I will treat others as such!
Wear at least 3 layers, T-shirt, dress shirt, and some type of coat and keep gloves in your pocket. We won’t know what the weather is and some of this will come into play later. Wear a belt. A belt has several uses, in medical as a turnicate or to make splints, or used as a defensive and offensive weapon etc. Plus most of their non-lethal projectile weapons will be slightly lessened by disbursement of energy through the different layers of clothes. There will be more on uses of jackets and belts later in the offensive tactics. Wear contacts instead of glasses if possible. (Reasons below.) If you can’t wear contacts then wear glasses with a sport strap so they don’t fly off. Vision is most important in the fog of battle and communications is next.
The 6 items everyone should have:
Remember this IS UNARMED!!! NO WEAPONS of any type. We would all love for them to dismiss themselves as the Officials in Iceland did. I highly doubt that will happen here in this country. So we must plan for the worst scenarios. Anything that happens less than the worst case scenarios will be easier.
The list of nonthreatening items everyone will need might sound strange, but each item will be explained on how it can be used to achieve our goals. Nobody will tell you what group you should belong. You know your talents you know your abilities and you know your limitations. When you see a group that fits your skill set, then plan on being in that group when you get to DC. Make sure you bring what you need to fulfill your duties. We will need people to do live streaming web broadcasts, and I couldn’t begin to tell you the supplies you would need. Main groups will be identifiable by which group they represent. I will give more information on that in the supplies list.
The 6 items that will fit in your jacket pocket or most in your back pocket are as follows. And wait to you hear all the reasons why before you doubt. These are all items to protect you from their aggressive tactics. I will go over most everything the Police might use and how you can lessen the effects. I will even go over basic hand to hand combat in offensive tactics which will stop or greatly lessen baton blows that anyone can do. The only item that is not used for protection could have a huge role in the success of this action.
1. Sponge Cone Ear Plugs: These are the small squishy cone shape ear protectors most people use for shooting. They can be twisted and stuck into the ear canal, and when they expand, it will seal the ear canal. The deeper they go in the better the seal. They will not hurt your ear drum. This will help you against LRAD, Tear gas and Pepper spray. (more on these and all devises of crowd dispersal and control.) These can be found in all hardware stores or sports section of any store.
2. Vaseline: Just a small tube per person: Tear gas, and Pepper spray attack the mucus membranes of the face and head. If you hear or see tear gas being shot into the crowd this is the first thing you want to get out. Squeeze the tube in your week hand. If your right handed squeeze it into your left hand. Put the majority into your nose without stuffing it up wipe the rest under and around your eyes. This will give a layer of protection against the effects of Pepper Spray mostly which every police officer carries. It will help a bit with Tear Gas but not as much. Plus if you do get hit with pepper spray, you can wipe off the Vaseline to start relief. The only thing that stops the pain after you have been sprayed is flushing with water and time.
3. Slightly tinted or clear swim goggles: Not a swim mask. Swim goggles are small and can fit in a back pocket or jacket pocket. These will help protect your eyes with direct shot of pepper spray, rubber ball crowd control grenades, Flash Bangs, and other type of non-lethal projectiles. This will help with everything from rubber bullets, shot gun bean bag rounds, pepper spray filled paintballs, etc. It’s better than getting hit in the eye directly. Vision in any type of battle is the most important thing. Once you can’t see or your eyes are injured, you are out of the fight. The police know this and that is why they will use tear gas and pepper spray.
4. A painter mask: This is one of those cheap paper type masks that you can get at any home improvement stores. These will help you against pepper spray and a little bit on tear gas.
5. A handful or two of paintballs or some paintballs and a paintball grenade: You can get these at any wal-mart or sports store. If they get aggressive and the charge begins, all the people 10-20 feet away from the police line need to throw a handful of paintballs high in the air at the police line. The first wavers should grab a small handful of paintballs and move toward the aggressive police. The paintballs will do several things. First it will be an instant distraction when the police see thousands of paintballs (or something in their mind) coming at them. They will be looking up. That couple of seconds can get your first wavers several feet closer without the concentration being on them. If the paintballs break on their riot masks they will be blinded taking them out of the fight for another second or so until the lift their visors or take off their head gear. This will give the first wavers another step or two. First wavers need to whip the paintballs or physicaly smash their handful on the masks of the riot helmets. It will also make the entire area slippery. They will not have good footing. This could also hamper us slightly too, but anything that disrupts their confidence helps us. Anything that makes them feel more vulnerable helps us. Plus we have the numbers on our side. (More offensive tactics later.)
6. About 1 foot of yellow caution tape. This will be explained in more detail later in the Identifying Groups section. Any Police Officer that takes off his riot gear to join us will be labeled as such with a yellow caution tape arm band. All of us will be wearing these arm bands of one color or another. The extra 1 foot of yellow arm band will be offered to the police throughout the March. Wave them in the air. The people in the front lines offer them directly. Tell the officers when they are ready they can take off their riot gear and join us. Their weapons WILL NOT be taken from them if they are wearing a yellow arm band. They are experts with their weapons not you, although I know some of you will be.
Different Groups
We will need a Security Group that will watch out around the perimeter of the entire crowd. They will be watching for anyone of in the crowd that might be a provocateur. Everyone that comes to the March has this same responsibility. You must watch for people there to start trouble. Their main duties and responsibility will be to watch and keep the crowd somewhat orderly. Send people that need help in the right direction. Each member of the security group must be willing to be first wavers also. They will also be willing to put themselves between the police and the crowd, facing the crowd, because their duty is the crowd. We will explain identification of Main groups later, with the supplies needed for that group.
We will also need First Wavers. These are the people willing and knowing they will be the ones that might take the first blunt of the aggression from the police. This also goes for the security group as explained above. These people might have training in hand to hand combat. To the 50-60+ year old women that have emailed me saying they might not be able to do much but they will take the first bullets or abuse so someone can advance. You ladies know who you are I have gotten a bunch of messages like that. I also got one the most touching and long message from a woman that had to be early to mid-70’s just because of the things she talked about when she was a kid growing up in this country, and how she cries every time she watches the news because she sees the destruction of this country on every level. She can’t take what the future holds for her grandchildren and great grandchildren if this country and this world were to keep heading in the same direction… SHE WANTED TO BE A FIRST WAVER! ~
Ladies that sent me those messages please email me again and tell me I can release them with your FB name so people do not think I am making up stories!!!! I might message you back for permission. ~
First Wavers duties are to head toward any aggression any of the police might do. We will NOT charge all at once and cause more harm and damage to ourselves then the police would do. They are to physically stop any arrests police try to make. This will NOT start the March forward. Only when the police act as a group violently will that begin. (More on that later) Again this is to be done with the LEAST amount of Harm to the “Person”. Use your numbers to restrain them. If it escalates and other police join in, then that will be a sign of aggression by the police as a group. (Again, more on this later)
And yes, everyone can be first wavers. Depending on your location in the crowd will determine your duties. We can Not have 100 people deep waiting to charge. Again we do not want to cause more injuries to each other than the police will do. We do Not want to trample each other. Just wait until your path is clear, and there is room in front of you to advance. Plus, if you are more in the middle of the crowd, you will be getting ready with protective items. The people in different layers of the crowd will have different tactics but everyone should have 6 simple items plus what they are wearing. (More on this in offensive tactics.) ~
We will need a Medical Group or first aid teams. Even if there is Zero aggression, just having so many people together accidents will happen. People fall, sprain their ankles, get cuts, you know what I mean. Every specialty group will know what to bring for the group they choose. I am not a doctor or nurse so I could not tell you what you think are the most important items. Like I said only You know Your talents, abilities and limitations. And don’t worry about too many people being in one group, that won’t happen. The averages will even it out. ~
We will need a Video Event Recording Group or video journalists. These people can bring what they want to the extent they feel comfortable. Bring a small camcorder, or bring what you need to do a live streaming web broadcast. Again I have no clue what you will need. And you know if you have that knowledge more than medical or hand to hand combat etc. ~
We will need a Recon Group. These will be people that might not even see the crowd. They might be driving around DC or walking around DC no closer than ¼ mile. They will be watching for additional police backup, crowd control vehicles like armored personnel carriers, trucks with LRAD. (Long Range Acoustical Device/ Sound cannons basically) Any sign of police “Military” vehicle reinforcements will be considered an act of Extreme Aggression and the March will instantly begin. We can Not afford them to build a huge defense or an offensive attack against the March. They are Not bringing those vehicles there for our safety! (Duh) Communications with Recon Group will be explained later. If you believe in this cause but don’t want to put yourself in harm’s way Recon could be perfect for you. ~
We will need a crowd and perimeter Surveillance Group. These people will be watching the crowd and mostly watching outside the crowd for provocateurs. These people might have things from binoculars to small telescopes or just their eyes. We need to be able to spot advancement of police or even things like snipers. These people might be just outside the crowd to walking around within a couple blocks. (Communications explained later.) ~
And middle of the crowd Second Wavers. These can be anyone depending on your location to the center of the crowd. You have duties that come upon any Void of the Deadline Date or after the deadline date if violence breaks out. Your duties and responsibilities will be explained in offensive tactics. ~
We will also need a smaller amount of Communications Leaders. Their duty is to interpret in coming Recon and Surveillance information. This is so we do not have false reports or exaggerated reports. (More on this later too.) ~
That is about the extent of the major groups. Yes groups can little subgroups like media contact with the video group. Or front line Medics with the medical group. Work it out on the group’s page made on FB for that group. Or start your own page.
Identifying groups:
Everyone should be wearing a yellow caution tape arm band. Security should be wearing two of these. One on both arms, two on one arm or both legs, etc. If you are wearing two bands you will be in the Security Group. The only other group that will have a special arm band will be medics or anyone involved in medical. You can get the same plastic caution tape in orange or red. These will be our united colors this simple gesture show unity as a group. Plus people will be coming to this event without a clue about the notes. I will have a flier ready for printing that will go over the rules and basic strategy. If you see someone without an arm ban you can assume they don’t know the rules or tactics. These people must be given a flier or read them the flier, it will be basic and direct. People that don’t understand the plan can cause more problems by getting in the way or causing more confusion. Recon Group will have none of these items with them. They will only have communication devices. We do not want to lose our Recon people because the police stopped them on the road and they have some of these items with them and they get arrested. You can always explain a smart phone or a little two way radio.
I would also recommend some surveillance not directly with the crowd not have any of these items.
Additional Offensive Tactics and Communications
If a full charge on any aggression from the police starts, the people in the crowd needs to know it has started. This is where your battle cry comes out. The more aggression the louder you scream and yell. If you don’t see the violence don’t yell because others are yelling. You should be getting ready with your protection items, the second wavers. The quicker you get ready the safer you will be and the quicker you can back up the people in front of you. Plus this will stop a mass charge and get the People trampled. Your yelling will direct the crowd toward the most violence by how loud and direction. It will also kick in your adrenaline into full mode. We need simple communications like this during the fog of the battle. And once it really starts your mind and senses can get really foggy. Communications for the other groups will be more technical. Did you ever hear or have that feeling that things go in slow motion when something like an accident is about to happen? This is from adrenaline. It is our natural defense or offense system for fight or flight. All your senses are truly heightened greatly even strength increases and the sense of pain decreases. You have heard of mothers or one person lifting a car off their child or the helicopter in Hawaii guy video, if you know what I am talking about. The worse thing about adrenaline in high doses is it will make you throw up. This is normal unless you are used to long activities with adrenaline pumping the whole time. ~
The first thing the police will do is use non-lethal weapons most of the time unless they are faced with deadly force. They think their crowd control weapons will work because they always have. The real reason is they never were challenged properly. Remember this is a PEACEFUL MARCH and we will only use tactics to DEFEND ourselves against their initiation of violence towards us. ~
So let’s say they choice to shot tear gas into the center of the crowd, at the same time open fire with paintball pepper spray ball, rubber ball grenades, flash bangs, and shot gun bean backs, some might have Tasers. Tasers would be used last they are for stopping individuals. When you come within 5-6 feet they will be ready with batons, gun butts flashlights or whatever hand held weapon like shields. If tear gas is shot into the crowd, do NOT throw it back. The police shooting the tear gas will start the first wavers. You don’t want to injure them or tear gas them. The best thing to do is to kick it to the outside of the group, preferably down wind. Kick it in the direction the smoke is going. ~
To stop, deflect or lessen the power of the blow, to not slow down. The closer you physically get to them; they won’t be able to swing as hard. If you are approaching the police and they are starting to swing, do not stop or step back you will get the full force of the blow. If you can strike, block or even just touch their arm from hand to their elbow as they are swinging you can completely stop, lessen greatly or deflect the blow. Once you are that close to not try to strike or beat them with your hands. Two reasons, you will not do much damage because of the riot gear and you will probably hurt your hands because of the riot gear. So you grab onto any part of their body you can. The best is a bear hug around the waist or mid-torso with your head under their chin or in their chest. They cannot strike you or very hard at all, you can get below their center of gravity, you can drive them back and it can bring them to the ground, and remember you will have back up instantly behind you to help hold them. ~
Once in control you can use their plastic hand cuffs or even your belt to keep them from moving to restrain them. If at any time they take off their riot gear and say they will join, tie a yellow ribbon around their arms so they are not attacked anymore. Just like the ones restrained, put a yellow ribbon around their arms too. We are Not there to injure anyone. Remember we are Not there to destroy buildings and Hurt people.
Dogs are not hard to deal with or stop. People fear dogs because of their barking, growling and bearing of teeth. When you only have to worry about is their bite. If a dog grabs your leg, strike it in the nose, either kick it in the nose with your other foot or hit it with your fist. Their noses are supper sensitive to being hit. If a dog grabs your arm, force your arm to the back of the dog's mouth. It can not bite down on your arm. Same thing if a dog grabs your hands. Either stick your thumb or fingers down hard under it's tongue and grab onto it's lower jaw. The dog can not bite down. Same goes for forcing your hand to the back of it's mouth.
Once we have gained control of a building we must instantly get our webcasters in the building to set things up. They will cut the power plan on that. We must also be prepared for an offensive attack or backup for the police. We will have some of their weapons, and your backups at home should be called as soon as something starts. We do not want to start a shootout with any Police backups. Your backups need to be heading to DC As Soon As Possible. Our backups should come in waves just based on how far they are from DC.
We do have other rally points and objectives. If our recon finds out they have the Capitol building completely surrounded the day before with armored personnel vehicles, LRAD, MRAD, Barbed wire etc. we will have web outlets such as twitter and such to relay any last second changes to the people of the March. Some people say the main objective should be the WH. The WHouse is not only extremely well-guarded all day and night with the best trained and highly professional seasoned war vets or existing Military. Plus it has the most physical defenses. If they want to hide in a bunker and think they still have control that is fine, the people will be in control. ~
Obstacles we may come across might be something as simple as 4 foot high crowd control fences. Those wonderful orange snow fences they use to corral people, and barbed wire. They have vehicles that can spread double barbed wire rows for a couple hundred feet at 35-40 miles per hour. That is where your jackets and coats come in. If everyone throws a jacket or coat on the barbed wire or razor wire, it will only take 2-4 per area to basically not feel it anymore. If you have 5 or more coats on an area, it will be nothing more than a possible trip hazard or slow you down only slightly.
Announcing Our Single Demand
We will officially release our ONE DEMAND on April 20th 2013. We will inform all Main Stream Media. (falls on deaf ears) We will inform all Federal Govt. Officials by all means available. We will call, email, fax, tweet, post flyers or any other means you can think of. Again 1 person can NOT do all of that. But I’m sure several of you know how to do it all at once to every Federal Official at the same time. We will even contact all law enforcement.
We will tell them our exact plans on how at 12 Noon April 21th 2013 they must leave their offices and leave all of the “People’s” Property behind. We will tell them that at any time violence is used against the “People” the Deadline Date will be Void and we will take over OUR Buildings Instantly. They will be told that any forms of aggression will be stopped by our defensive actions. They will be told any signs of Police reinforcements of military type vehicles or crowd control vehicles will also cause the Deadline to be Void and the March to start instantly. They will be told we are ALL UNARMED People. We will tell them NO Officials or Police will be Harmed Leaving, fleeing or retreating if weapons are laid down after They initiated the violence. We will tell them We are Resolute and Firm in our Decisions. No amount of FEAR tactics or physical violence to the People will Stop or deter our advancement. We will tell that that any physical violence by the police will result in pledged (pledged to you) second wavers (your two back-ups) to be instantly dispatched. We have a petition made that will be passed around.
We will NOT taunt, entice or provoke the police into a violent act. We will tell their front liners of our intentions through signs, handing fliers to them, or just talking to them in a Non-aggressive, Non-threatening way. I’m sure the higher ups will not tell the police on the line what our demands, deadline or how determined we are. We will also tell them we do NOT want to Hurt them, but they Will Not get in the way of our demand. We will tell them at any time they can remove their riot gear, to show they are on our side. We will NOT TAKE their Weapons if they remove all Riot Gear. Remember the guards and army sided with the “People” at the Bastille.
Remember the police will have at least two days to think about having to Shoot or Harm an Unarmed Never Threatening Person that looks like anyone from their Church, PTA, Social Group, or Neighborhood, NOT Black Block, militia looking or thugs.
Anyone from the March tries to break any rules must be stopped by the “People” instantly, not the police. There is NO REASON to be threatening, intimidating or even rude in Any way.
We can NOT treat this action and present our Demand as a threat. It is simply a Matter of FACT Not up for Negotiation.
We do not want the individual Police officer for any reason be able to justify shooting or harming anyone of us.If you act violent or aggressive they will be able to justify their actions at least as self preservation.
Yes, we are trying to win their Hearts and Minds and get them to side with us. Remind them of how most of the pension funds were drained. They are Victims of the System as much as you and I.
We all Understand today that “WE THE PEOPLE” is every living breathing human that walks the face of this Earth. We do NOT have to start labeling what “group” you fall into. We are ALL EQUAL!
We can NOT demand this from the System”. The system does not listen to demands, requests, or pleas. The System will give you small “Victories” to still give you the illusion of choice, influence and control.
We Must TAKE Back what is ours. Once a Right is lost, it will never be given back to you. It will only be converted to a privilege, but it will always be lost or diminished.
How do we TAKE Back what is ours?
Only if we get enough people to show up can we proceed with these actions. As I said I will not allow 1,000 or even 10,000 people to be slaughtered or arrest just to have the govt. or media to slap some label on us for “Justifying” the slaughter .
100,000 people wouldn’t be enough to complete this. With Congress and the Gov. approval rating the lowest in history (below 12%)and the mass awakening of people in the last 10-15 years We should be able to get several million people to show up. I can Not tell each one of those people this info. I need each and every person that Understands and Agrees with this to help in some way. You know your contacts, abilities, talents and limitations. Take the information and run with it. Do whatever you think will work to get one more person there.Any additional ideas are always welcomed.
I know going to DC might not be possible for many for whatever reason, but spreading the word in whatever fashion possible, or by whatever means possible. Start a local event, Start your own state page linked to ours, get it out on twitter (just signed up last night… yeah I know….) other social networks, make videos put them on our page and YouTube. I physically do not have the time nor the talent or knowledge to do most of those things. This Your rEVOLTION, Take Control of your Own Destiny.
If we do get several 100,000 people there by April 21st the Deadline date. We will All move forward orderly on the strike of 12 noon. Our progress will not be slowed or delayed by anyone protecting the “System”. We will keep this steady move forward to the doors of the every Federal Building we can depending on the numbers we have. If we have millions we can take them all over at once. If we have more than 500,000 we will start with the capital building. I will have future meeting places and division of groups once we know the actual numbers that show up by April 21st. A good indication will be the number that shows up on April 20th.
If before the deadline of April 21st they try to use any violent tactics against The People, we will instantly stop those people, causing the least amount of harm possible, and move forward to the next threat or objective. (of course if the numbers are there) WE ARE NOT MARTYRS!
Being there you will have an understanding that we are NOT there to harm people; we are there to eliminate the “System”. We will have different groups of Security, First Wave, Medical Aide, Video Journalists, Recon, etc. You will Know which group is Best for you, Nobody will tell You how You can help out in the best way of Your abilities.
Every Person that shows up Understands the are to be NO WEAPONS of any type. Showing up you are claiming a responsibility for being there. Exercising any “RIGHT” comes with a Responsibility. Each and every one is responsible for monitoring the people around you. If you see someone with a Gun, Weapon, Firecracker, or a suspicious person with an overstuffed backpack, you must take it upon yourself and the people that came to back you up and other people around to take control of the situation. The same understanding and responsibility of showing up is you will have no problem showing someone what’s in your backpack of under your jacket. Is this an “Intrusion” of your Rights or personal effects? It might be, but if you are “Good” in the Heart Mind and Soul for this occasion you will have no problem helping the cause and Cooperating. (this will Not be a TSA Strip Search) Any action by a Provocateur must be stopped instantly. I’m sure they will be there from the System and even civilians that support the System. They must be stopped to prevent the police from using any aggressive action against The March. We Are not Looking for a fight! We are there Peacefully with our single demand. WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!
At any time the Police as a whole try to disperse the crowd by using any of their aggressive techniques that Will instantly cause the Deadline Date to become VOID. Instead of Marching slowly forward, All the First Wavers and the Entire March will move in the direction of the violence to stop it. Your “Right” to Self Defense. If any police lay down their weapons, they may be restrained, but they will NOT be abused or further beaten for their actions in revenge. If other Police continue to use violence against the “People” we will use any means possible to stop the police causing the least amount of harm to that person. They have spouses and kids at home too! These are “People” too we are NOT there to HURT PEOPLE! We are there to remove the “SYSTEM”! We are NOT there to destroy buildings, ignite fires, and destroy OUR PROPERTY.
We do NOT want anybody to dress in camouflage, Military fatigues, or any Black clothing representing “Black Block”.
I will lead any defensive charge or the March forward at the Deadline. I will be wearing a suit and tie and strong shoes.
I am a “Good”, Responsible, Respectful and Caring Human and I will act as such.
What you Need to “Understand”
There are several psychological factors involved that will make this work. They involve how and when the Gov. Officials will be notified, along with all law enforcement agencies. This is what you need to “Understand” that makes this very possible.
I know most people will not grasp the concept of this until they let go of what they have been conditioned to believe and taught by the system, not only throughout their life, but past generations. You must also understand the True Nature of man. You have been taught and conditioned by the system, thru the Government, Media, and even the Education system, to go against this True Nature of man. I am not picking on one group, but this is a perfect example. (1st an additional understanding) What is in the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of 99% of all mankind? Most people Want to do “Good”. They want the betterment of themselves, their families, their communities and a better World. They do Not go out to do harm to others intentionally with Pure Evil in their Heart, Mind and Soul. “Good” men do not need laws to do “Good”, True Evil will never care about any laws. Then you have good people that will do bad, but for several different reasons. Social economic stress and stigma is the main cause of this. I’m not going into all the reasons now to prove a point. With that Understood, back to the example of Good people being conditioned and taught to go against the True Nature of man. Everyone one of these good people wants to be treated well by others and will treat others with the same respect. We all have heard do onto others as you would like done to you, or treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself. I believe most people know this as “The Golden Rule”. Now when a room full of mostly “Good” people “Boo” this Golden Rule because it came from the mouth of a politician during a political debate, and I’m sure brought on by provocateurs from the system, the majority of the crowd joined in the choir of “Boo’s”. Now I know none of those people would go to church the following week and stand up and “Boo” their Preacher for mentioning the same “Golden Rule”. Now some of you will say, that is because it’s “Our Enemy”, and I say, Well-Conditioned!
I’m not going to debate what is good and what is evil. What matters is in your Heart, Mind and Soul. You know you want better without hurting others to get there.
Now also understand that most people ARE willing to take responsibility for their actions, because they are good. And this understanding will make all of this work and here is how.
Most of the concerns I hear are FEAR Based, and for good reason. Fear is a powerful motivator and controller. Let’s take one of biggest things people FEAR. During the transition who will keep the utilities on and who will makes sure there is enough Food, Medicine, and essentials to keep society going. You, that’s who, Each and every ONE of us. Let’s say you are a worker at a Nuclear Power plant or any Utility. Are you going to Run home and abandon your position Knowing very well that when you get home there will be NO Electricity for You too? You would not want to put yourself, your family, your community in harm’s way because of your Irresponsible Actions. Are you going to let That Power Plant go into Possible Melt Down? Consider it “Self Preservation through Cooperation” Did you know over 70% of all firefighters in the country are Volunteers! What is their motivation for that? It is the betterment of their community, not fame or fortune.
We are all in this together. When we open up instant lines of exposure and communications to the public they will be able to hear and see at any time what is happening and the progress in as many locations possible or needed. The public will also see that their input is being used and responded to. This is one of the best ways to ease the public. We will constantly remind them about “Self Preservation Cooperation” They must know that they are needed to fulfill help keep the peace and stability of their community. Not one job or duty is less important or more important than another. This time will also be used to explain that any kind of violent crime will not be tolerated. Any Violent Crime committed with a weapon during the time of the transition will result in Harsh Penalty, maybe Life in Prison upon conviction. The Prisons system will start to empty so room will Not be a problem. In addition prisons will no longer be “Club Med” but in the same case they will not be transferred into the “Gulag” (Lines of communications explained better later)
We need to set a temporary price freeze on all essentials. NOBODY will be allowed to price gouge the “People” of this country. This price freeze will last until a complete transition is completed. If anytime a price can drop of essential, let the “Free Market” work. As far as the use of Federal Reserve Notes for money, it will still be used during transition. You already put your trust in paper that really has no more value than Monopoly Money. If you change what is considered monetary exchange then the system can Not be rewarded for stealing the money from the people of this country.
What will take the place of the system? (More on this in the “System” section”)
This is a good question. It’s not up to one person it’s not up to a group of people. Do you want to replace a “system” with another “system’? Our original form of Government was the best designed as a true Republic, with the individual being the true Sovereign of the land. Just like all the Unconstitutional Laws on our books that are not Common Law. People are worried about all these Laws. Why are laws written? Common Law requires a victim is either harmed financially or physically before there is a “Crime”.
Now take this Understanding to the Hearts, Minds and Souls of the Police. They are Not Mindless, Heartless, and Soulless Drones. They too know what is happening to this country and the world. They too have compassion, love and understanding and want to do Good. They might have been conditioned more by the System but only a small percentage have been Brainwashed (for lack of a better word) to the point where they will only DO as they are told without weighing their actions against their own True Nature. They should Not be Punished for this!
Now Justification for their actions in their own minds can be made with the influence of certain factors. Most all of these police have never even pulled out their gun, let alone shot someone during the course of their job. Now if you are armed, they will be able to Justify these actions as self-defense or even preservation of their own life. Now with notification that at the deadline time 100,000’s of UNARMED people will move forward to complete our objective. They will have to make a conscious pre-thought out decision to shot and kill innocent UNARMED fellow men and women. The True Nature of Man will not allow this.
You may have NOT a Complete Understanding of this and that’s OK. I ask you one thing. Look into your own Heart, Mind, and Soul and ask yourself this one question.
“Is this the way Humans should Live, Exist and Treat each other?”
Why this Needs to be Done!
These are some of my favorite objections from people that are opposed to this type of action. The conditioned optimist, “It’s not that bad in this country go find a different country if you don’t like it here.” or “We can vote everyone out that doesn’t represent the people.” And “We need to have more protests and get more petitions signed; they have worked in the past.” I even heard “None of my Rights have been really taken away, I can still do everything I did before.” Or my favorite, “If you have nothing to hide or are doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.” Then the futile objections “Yes, the Government wastes money and helps out their Corporate buddies, but they always have and you’re not going to change that overnight.” Or “There’s really nothing any of us can do to change things, so I don’t follow politics.” When you know that the “System” is the root cause of all our problems and all the sources of the previous objections, then you know we have to go after the system and not the people controlled by the system.
The “System”
The “system” as we call it goes back as far as man. Since the discovery of control of the masses by an individual or group the “System” has been manipulated, twisted, perverted and concocted to what this country and world is controlled by today. The “System” does not listen to the demands, requests or pleas of the people it controls. The system will give the people small victories to give them the illusion of choice, influence and control. Then usually come back a little while later with more restrictions or laws against the People.
The Founding Fathers of this country knew of this system, they fought the system and they tried to create set guidelines for this country to avoid and not be controlled by the system. They created the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Yes there were human rights flaws, but even today in our “modern” history we are plagued with the same type of human rights flaws. The Founding Fathers understood that the individual should not be controlled by another. They understood that just our existence gave us rights that should never be violated.
That document gave all humans Supreme Power of the land. We had Sovereign Rights. There was no higher power than our creator. The order of power was supposed to be the individual, the local government, the state government, and last the Federal Government. Somehow in a matter of less than 75 years those powers started to shift. The system believed that the individual was not accountable enough to handle the responsibility required with each of those “Rights”. Yes, every Right you choose to exercise comes with a certain amount of responsibility. And I would agree there are a lot of people that do not want to or cannot take the responsibility for their actions. You do NOT remove those Rights from everyone because of some individuals. Therefore slowly in the beginning they started converting those Rights into privileges. When you are required to acquire a license, a permit or pay a fee to do something it is no longer a Right. When you have to ask permission to do something it is not a Right.
Our country was also founded on the principles of Common Law. Common Law requires an injured party for there to be a crime. If you physically or financially injure someone you must pay restitution in some form. Common Law is not complex it is not hard to understand and is common sense. Anything that falls under this heading is Unlawful. Anything else that doesn’t harm another is Lawful. You can NOT make laws to protect the individual form themselves. Instead of creating Laws that make an action “illegal” and Not “Unlawful” you need to address the underlying issue that causes that action to be unacceptable to the majority of people. You do NOT make it “illegal” because the masses think it should be “illegal”. This country was Not founded as a Democracy. It was founded as a Republic.
Our Founding Fathers warned us about central banks and fiat currency. They knew every fiat currency in the history of man collapsed. They warned us about making alliances and forming allegiances with other countries. Not to be isolationists but to be non-interventionist. They understood “Blowback” then and how it could be a detriment to this country. I’m not going to go through all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to show how almost every aspect of those great documents have wiped out, diminished or ignored. Are those documents perfect, no, but they are the perfect foundation of making all humans truly free sovereign individuals.
The system being tireless, determined and unwavering in their goals of world control was able to get a foot hold on this country before the Revolutionary War in small steps in about 75 years. In less than less than 125 years the system was in complete control of the government. Now they had to get control of the people.
The Great Depression was a direct result of actions taken by the central banks, I will not go into all the details, but they removed almost 40% of the actual currency in circulation. When the economy collapsed and people we starving and doing whatever they could do make ends meet. The Federal Government came in as the savior and started giving people benefits in place for their servitude. The public at large became dependent on the government and those benefits. This may be more information for some who really studied the true history of this country. And it might be scratching the surface for others.
When the 2nd 13th amendment was ratified, Yes there was a different 13th amendment that was replaced with the one we have today, it freed the slaves and gave them the same rights as all men. So why the need for the 14th Amendment which clarifies this…. I thought saying they have the same rights was clear enough. If you read the 14th Amendment you need to understand the legal terms of the words used. Legal terms of words do Not have the same meaning of even basic words we use every day. So read the 14th Amendment it says if you are born in this country you are a “Citizen” of this country and fall under the “Jurisdiction” of the Federal Government. You no longer are under the “Jurisdiction” of the Bill of Rights or the US Constitution even though they like you to think so.
So every time you voluntarily check a box that says “Are you a US Citizen” you are actually giving up your Rights. They can only do this with your consent, even though you think being a US Citizen means you are here in this country Lawfully or born here. Enough of this and back to why we are really here, I just thought some needed this basic information.
So now we have this System that has figured out it doesn’t matter what the truth or the facts are, it’s what they can get the majority of the people to believe. And through the generations of conditioning most are willing to believe what is told them by any “Authority” entity. They have twisted and perverted common sense so people now believe that corporations are too big to fail. Now the leaders of those Corporations are too big to prosecute. Yes your government just said this about the CEO and other executives of HSBC and their involvement of money laundering of drug cartels.
Just as our politicians exempt themselves form all the laws they create for us. Just read them.
And here is the biggest hook of all, our fiat money system and government debt. Most people think that China or other foreign countries own that debt. Well the American people actually do. All the retirement accounts held by every person in this country is mostly vested in US Treasury Bonds. (Debt) Plus there are trillions of dollars of debt on the Federal Reserve books that the people of this country owe, that is not even part of that 16 Trillion dollar debt we all here about. Every month the Federal Reserve about 45 billion in US Treasury Notes and about another 40 billion in mortgage backed securities from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. This is done with new money made from thin air and new debt owed to the Federal Reserve. Now depending on where the bond prices go the Federal Reserve will either make money or lose money…. I mean we will lose money, there is no risk involved for them. Bond yields are the lowest in history, artificially kept down by the federal reserve. When bond yields are low the cost of the bonds are high. When the yield goes up, the price of those bonds go down. So if the Fed. is buying bonds at all time high prices, what are the odds of those prices going up versus going down.
So every time the Fed prints more money it devalues what you get every week in your paycheck. It devalues the money you have saved or the equity in your home. This is why it takes more of them to buy the same products.
There is nothing backing this money, only your faith that when you get it you will be able to use it. The Federal Reserve does not have any Gold Reserves and hasn’t since about 1934. The country’s total gold reserves are estimated to be worth about $340 billion dollars. So where is all the Country’s gold? The Treasury says they have $11 Trillion…. Who audited that again?
The system has not only taken over the country, now it allows Corporations to make laws for their benefit. The government and Big Business have become a revolving door for politicians and business executives. Politicians are given cushy well-paying jobs for selling their vote to these businesses when they leave office. Former executives from these businesses get influential non-elected positions in the Government to make sure their buddies get what they want I could list hundreds of examples, but I’m sure you have seen the “Veen” circles showing the relationships. And the masses believe that these business leaders must know better than the average person. These businesses have been allowed to extract the natural and human resources for the gain and profits of a collective few. They do this with no concern for environmental destruction or physical harm to the People of this country and the World. Not only do some Not pay taxes, we give them billions in tax dollars a year so they can do this to us. Then in addition they are protected by the Government from prosecution or even fines stiff enough to discourage this behavior in the future. I’m sure most have not heard about or maybe very little about the banking LIBOR scandal, or really don’t know what it was. I will give just a brief break down and description of this. All interest rates charged for the “People’s” loans are tied to LIBOR RATES. (check your credit cards) These rates are interest banks charge each other overnight loans. These interest rates are then given to set LIBOR rates and directly effects what you pay for interest. The big problem is the banks were only required to report these exchange rates based on their honor. There was no over site or regulations. So for about six years these banks were able to steal hundreds of billions of dollars from people around the World. They were caught and penalized. A perfect example of the penalties would be if you were caught and convicted of stealing a brand new Mercedes Benz your fine would have been about .50 cents, you are free to go home, and by the way you get to keep the car.
These are just examples to show how woven the system is with the Government. Every Industry in this country has corrupted or has been corrupted by the system. Even the Justice System has been now made profitable for the system. Criminals are sent to for profit prisons where the government guarantees these Prisons a 95% fill rate all on your dime. Why do you think we have 25% of the world’s prison population with close to 60% of them being non-violent victimless criminals? We have people serving life sentences for growing plants. (Multiple Industries pushed for the illegalization of cannabis so the laws would include Hemp and remove a natural cheap versatile competitor)
Anything that exposes or gets in the way of the system is silenced one way or another. The system will never harm itself or allow harm to come to itself. It will do whatever it takes to keep control of all the governments and all the people of the world.
The only weakness the System has is being exposed and the people taking back control and power for themselves. Iceland did this quite successfully and you never heard a word of it in the news because the system does not want the people to know it IS possible to break free of the system. Plus it wasn’t violent and bloody and this country wasn’t involved in “Liberating” them, so no news to report there.
The only power the System has over the people is fear and intimidation. Fear of what the system can do to you and using those fears and punishments as intimidation.
What takes place of the System?
Do you really want to replace the “System with another “SYSTEM”?
I think people really want to know what type or form of government is going to be in “Control”?
To you really want to give “Control” of your Life to another entity. That is why we are Sovereigns!
We are to control our Own lives our Own destiny.
But what about the people who can’t physically or mentally DO for themselves? The “System” provides for them. The “System” makes sure they are safe and taken care of. The “System” does NOT do this. The “People” that are “Controlled” by the “System” take care of these People.
What about all the laws that are made to keep society civil and orderly?
I will get into LAWS later and why they are made, and address the two biggest Hot Button topics in this country today….. GUN CONTROL AND ABORTION…… and how these will Not be issues AT ALL. ( I’m sure most of you are very doubtful at this point)
What about the people on social security? Most of these people could Not survive without those checks. (More on SS Checks later and yes they will get Their money.)
I agree, most people do live paycheck to paycheck no matter where they are in their life. Most people are also a major and sometimes even minor financial unexpected expense away from total financial collapse. So is this the fault of the person, or is this a problem created by the “system”? Yes some people make bad choices and that could cause hard times, but are we supposed to support or take care of these people? Is it our responsibility to make sure they make could choices? Or are most of these problems related to two different factors? “Social/Economic Stress” those two factors will make people do things they never thought was possible. And these are “GOOD” people.
As I have stated and most of you know the System is completely designed to “Control” the masses to prevent behavior They don’t want.
If you don’t think the “System” doesn’t guide, control, persuade, intimidate every portion of your life and society, just examine any part you want to. (Challenge…. Message me one part that is Not effected or controlled by the system!) The “System” Creates most of all the Social/Economical stresses and stigmas today and they divide society so society will create the rest.
So you want to make a Law to keep society civil and orderly?
What do Laws do and why are they created?
Let’s start with the lesser laws, the ones that don’t want you to drive too fast or wear you set belt, or stop light or stop sign “Violations”. The stop sign or light keeps the order not the LAW. But if there is No Penalty or Fine people will just blow thru the lights and signs anytime they want. You mean like they do today? Or do you mean More People would do it then? Are there self-centered, ego driven, self-absorbed, selfish people that only care about the 2 minutes they saved by going thru the light? Yes, most definitely! Are people born with these traits? Can people not control these traits? Or does the “System” nurture these traits? (in some) Does the “System” encourage these traits? Or is it an effect of the Social/Economical stress created by the system that makes these people want to do whatever it takes to get ahead to make their lives better. They could be attracted to the trinkets they are rewarded with for their behavior and the society driven obsession of those trinkets or luxuries. The obsession drives and feeds that attraction. What if the same individual was rewarded with those same luxuries and trinkets he wants, but instead of being driven by the system, to feed the system, and rewarded by the system for production that only helps the system and further destroys and adds more stress to the social/economic conditions? What if that same person with the same drive and ambition was paid or rewarded by helping the social/economic conditions? SO, WHO is Going to Pay for that?!?!
I always say in today’s “System” if they found a way to feed the hungry and make it more profitable than Exxon Oil, there would be no more hunger, because they would make SURE everyone had 2-3 times the amount of food they needed.
What if I told you there was a way to work 4 hours a day, make the same amount of money? And the business you worked did not lose any production value. Produce the same get paid the same. That doesn’t mean you have to do twice as much of the same thing in half of the time. But since you have that drive to strive for better you could get another job. Or, what if that person made more money than his job helping those that are less fortunate? How? And Who is going to pay for it?!?!
I could explain in extreme detail a “System” or I like to say a “Culture” where that is not only possible, but designed to be so! I will NOT give that info now. Everyone would want to instantly label it with some kind of “ism” that the current “System” has created to divide the people. You can only react or treat to something new with past knowledge and experiences you have learned your whole life. Yes, I know there are a certain percentage of the people that can be “Open” to new ideas and be objective. But people have been conditioned Not to like change, Not to get out of their comfort zone, Not to stray from their routine.
So that still doesn’t address those that will choose to drive too fast or like a crazy mad man. So tell me, today when you were driving down the road, did you follow the exact speed limit because that is the Law? Or did you drive as fast as you felt safe and only slowed down because you know where the police sit? Or drove at a speed where you knew they probably wouldn’t pull you over, but you were still speeding? Or drove very close to the speed limit because you couldn’t afford the ticket and possible insurance rate increase? You were responsible the whole time. You didn’t try to hit anyone, you even hit your brakes for the animal in the road. Yes there are accidents; yes people might have made a bad choice. Nobody wants to die or kill someone in an accident, but it happens no matter what the law was.
People have lost the ability to think for themselves and be responsible for their actions. They have been conditioned so over their lifetime. They rather have laws to tell them what they can and can Not do, so they can always say that they were within the law. This takes away your ability to be responsible and accountable for your actions or lack of action. Oh you will be accountable for your actions if you break their law, you get to pay a fine or sit in a jail. But you will never be accountable or even responsible for your inaction because you were within the law. What?? You say…
A school nurse was Not allowed to give a student their asthma medicine because it was not on the list of medications for that student. There are Strict Laws that the nurse Must follow or she could not only lose her job, and nursing license, but could face jail time. So this child was having this asthma attack that was so bad she couldn’t make it to her backpack to get her inhaler. She was not prone to severe attacks and barely ever used her inhaler. So this girl told them about the inhaler and they got it, but it wasn’t on the list. So the nurse did not give it to her. But she did call the paramedics, and by the time the paramedics got there the girl was completely blue and gasping for any breath at all but still conscious. The paramedics gave the girl oxygen and let her have her inhaler, which helped instantly. So the nurse did not have to worry about accountability or being responsible for that child’s life because she followed the law to the letter. Even if that girl died she still would not be wrong in the eyes of the “LAW”. Now if the girl’s attack was so bad and the nurse took it upon herself to give that girl the medicine and she died anyway, well that nurse would be sitting in a cell. (True Story) Yes the nurse kept her job because she followed the “Rules”.
So why do they make Laws? As I said laws are made to control the people through intimidation, fear of punishment, collect revenue, and control behavior the system does not want. It’s all about “CONTROL”
“Good” people will always do “bad” things when faced with extreme pressure from social/economic stress when they see there is no other option or not given an alternative.
But, what if the majority of the people in the country want to make a LAW because something is “morally” and “ethically” wrong or because you feel you are more intelligent. First of all, the only thing about this country that was designed to be a democracy is how we elect the people that represent us. Do you really want to live in a place where the majority of people rule? And if so, for all those people that have been programmed and conditioned to hate the Muslims or even if you disagree with Sharia Law, I hope you are willing to have your children or grandchildren living under Sharia Law. Muslim faith is the fastest growing in the world and this country. So how many decades before they are the majority and choose to impose their “moral” and “ethical” Laws on you. The only Law of the Land is Common Law.
So what about what about ABORTION and GUN CONTROL? I will just touch on this, because it turned into a Rant against all sides of each issue. It actually was several pages. But to keep this shorter and for me to remain composed: Instead trying to make something “illegal” think about the social/economic stress, stigma and pressures of the underlying problem and how helping correct those will reduce or eliminate the issue You have problems with. (Like I said this rant was several pages so don’t think I didn’t cover every possible BUT…. BUT……BUT….)
I can understand people being skeptical about the April 20th March on DC. and calling for all Federal Officials to leave their office by Noon April 21st. I can understand some people thinking this is Just Pure Craziness. I can also see people thinking this is just about getting attention and trying to get people to The Consensus Page. And I can see people saying it’s a pure death wish.
Let me go over each of these; tell me if there’s more.
1st No, The Politicians will not probably just leave office like they did in Iceland. Our Politicians with their megalomaniac personalities and egos wouldn’t allow it. Remember the system is for them, not for us. They do not even follow or make themselves exempt from the same laws they pass for us.
2nd Is this Pure Craziness? Well, you could consider it that. I would say when you Fear no More and realize no amount of protests, petitions, lawsuits, voting, or pleading with those in power will change anything then what are your choices. You can change all the players in the system, but the system will be the same. And They want the System to stay the same. Do you think they will start giving you your Rights back? Which Rights have they Not replaced with privileges or diminished? I guess we don’t have to quarter soldiers in our homes, there’s always that. I will be more than happy to go down the list with anyone and show you how they have been destroyed. And this is not even about right alone. The entire guidelines set in the US Constitution for the Federal Government have been broken, crossed, or have done the complete opposite. Remember in a Republic there is no higher power than you. The pecking order is your creator, you, the state, the federal govt. So what happened? It is just the opposite. We are all Sovereigns, that means you are King of your own life to do with what you want. Do you know some States have abolished Sovereign Rights? Look at the bottom of the State Constitution of Illinois.
3rd About this being some sort of ego driven ploy to get attention or see how many people we can get to this page. Well, if you have followed this page, we have never said who we were. We have never asked for donations or have that little donation button for you. We try to post the most truthful and researched info we can. We have made mistakes and some things have been posted (especially a quote or two)were wrong and when someone informed us, we thanked them, made the correction, or announced the mistake before deleting the info. This was never about us, this has always been about trying to inform people to what is really happening to this country and the world and hoping change could come to this country. Well people are now either awake or they will never see thru the fog. And there has been change, but it has been the Gov. that has kicked it into high gear with their destruction of this country and all our rights. I know better than to blame on party over another, I’m not falling for the illusion of choice when the same agenda just keeps getting pushed forward.
4th Some sort of Death Wish? Well you can believe that if you want, but I have 5 children the youngest being 17 and the oldest 25. So they are pretty much all grown up. I would love to be around to walk my girls down the aisle, or my sons become fathers and hold and play with my Grandchildren. But where is this country going to be in 5-10-20 years from now? The direction we are headed scares me to the core. I FEAR where we are going More than I fear death, or “indefinite detention”. I have always considered myself a pacifist of sorts. I never tried to harm anyone and tried to stick up for those that could fend for themselves. Hell I let bugs go outside before I would kill them. (if possible) I always tried to stay on the right side of the law, never been arrested. So no I don’t have a Death Wish. I do Have a Wish I’m More than willing to Die for. My wish is to see several million people who are fed up, sick and tired of being sick and tired and Mad as hell and Not going to take it anymore. (where have I heard that before?) So yes I have been pushed to this point and I can’t be pushed any further and it’s time to push back to the point of restoring this country. I will not allow them to tell me it will change, we promise, then offered some token.
Why I KNOW this can work. There are several factors that make it all possible. The first factor and the most important factor is the number of people we can get to show up, and the number we have waiting in the wings for the deadline date of April 21st. If 1000 people show up, well then I will still protest, but I won’t let the slaughter abuse or arrest of a thousand people happen just to become martyrs or be criticized or demonized by the press. But if we have 100,000 or maybe several million, how can they stop us? Remember they never thought MLK could get so many people in DC. and this is still about human rights. Another major factor is the Police involved. If we are armed they can justify in their minds for using any force possible. Remember they are people too, not just mindless emotionless killing machines. They see what’s going on, they see what’s happening to this country, they have families. Plus there are a lot of Oathkeepers and police that take their oath seriously. Some may be brainwashed enough to shoot into a crowd of their fellow “UnArmed” Americans but I know probably a good majority of them would stop the other police officers.
So what is the end Game and how do we actually take back the country. Well like I said in the posts, at the time of the deadline we will start moving forward and start taking over OUR GOV. Buildings. We are not there to destroy them or injure or kill the police. But we will NOT allow them to try and stop us. We will not allow them to try and make arrests. We will not back away from warning shots, tear gas, rubber bullets, LRAD sirens, dogs, batons, and every other weapon they have. I know the people that have my back will keep moving forward after I’m dead or can’t move forward anymore. I have even told them to use my dead body as a shield to get just one step closer. But I’m also very confident it won’t come to that especially if they know our intent and Know we will Not back down. Society will not fall apart. Good men do not need laws to do good and evil men will do evil no matter what the Law says. And I know there are a lot more good people in this country and on this earth than the evil ones. And if you look at the truth of the matter the evil ones are pulling the strings of our politicians. We are not there to harm them, we are there to make this country and most likely this World a better place. Is this the way Humans should live? This Planet spends more money on WAR than any research, humanity aid, education etc. combined. Now what we make of this country is truly up to us. Many know about what happened in Iceland and many more don’t, because you never heard a word about it in the news. I wonder why that is, maybe because we didn’t have to bomb them to liberate them, or maybe because it was successful without a drop of bloodshed, or maybe because they kicked out their central bank? (Our Federal Reserve) Either way they took back their country and made it right for them. We can do the same, restore common law, and free our non-violent Victimless criminals the list is as endless as we want it. We can put in the proper checks and balances to make sure this could never happen again. I’m not going to tell you what this going to be and how it is going to be ran, that’s not up to me alone! Even if I have to go there alone, I’m letting them know they are all fired and no longer control this country!
How this all Started
From the 1st “Note” Preaching to the Choir or Talking to the Wall The New American rEVOLUTION
I’ve spent a lot of my life learning about the system that controls the masses of this World. This was way before the Internet and when even a whisper about any type of malfeasance brought an instant look of speculation and ridicule. “Conspiracy Theories” have been around since one man or group of men manipulated themselves into power using their intellect or pure brute force. I’m sure in the beginning it was more of the latter that wielded power over the others and I’m sure for the “benefit of all”; or at least the ones he liked the most first. Manipulation for resources is what kept modern man ahead of his competitors. They learned that anything that was “Needed” by another could be used against weakest of the group. If it was something they “Wanted” then control of that was worth even more. Even monkeys figured out how to sell sex for money. (Keith Chen)
So even in recent modern history the labeling of events as “Conspiracy Theories” are used by the controlling few to dismiss claims of any malfeasance. To even suggest doubt to the contrary would be equivalent to blasphemy. In the last 50 years it seems that the numbers of questionable events are increasing. Even with the availability of instant information at our finger tips, the masses still choose to believe whatever “Official” version is offered to them. We have had such great “Conspiracies” as the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, that list is very long, events like 9/11 or even the most recent rash of shootings. I’m not even going to touch on any of these. Because this is about the difference between those who know the number of suspicious events is alarmingly growing and those that will never even think that there could even be a problem. This could be cognitive dissonance, complacency, blissful ignorance, or just dependent functionalism for the “State”.
We have come to a point in time where this country is on the brink of collapse in many ways, our financial system, our physical infrastructure, our moral values, racial, religious and social economical class division, and trust in government to name a few. Our “Rights” as “Individuals” have been slowly whittled away or removed and replaced with “Privileges”. Some states have even banned individual sovereign rights in their state constitution. Now the 2nd Amend. Is under attack, and this seems to be a line for some that cannot be crossed. The problem is as we as Americans sat idly by and allowed the destruction of most of our rights. Sure there are individuals and small groups that tried to stand up for themselves and show others the “Truth” as they knew it. No longer can anyone claim ignorance in this age of instant information. This goes back to the reasons why people couldn’t even think there was a problem.
If you understand that the system we have today was designed to be corrupt, purposely inept, doesn’t represent the people and given the illusion of a democratic society, where really we just vote for the next guy to push forward the same underlying agenda, then you do not need any more convincing. If you don’t believe this, no amount of evidence or convincing will work. That’s where we come to preaching to the choir or talking to the wall.
No longer, do we have the luxury of talking to the “Wall”. Or shall I say beating your head against it. We all know there is only one way to stop this government and that is in a manner of what Iceland did or the way our Founding Fathers did.
I was planning for the deadline date to be July 4th for the significance and symbolism of that date. We can’t wait for special symbolic date, this is too important and Time is of the Essence. The plan of action is as follows. Everyone that has truly had enough and I know that is probably about 20-30% of this country, NEEDS to get to Washington DC on Saturday April 20th 2013. If you Understand, you know this is more important than anything else in your life. You say your family is Most Important to you, well what are you going to tell your Grandchildren when the asked what happened to The Bill of Rights and The Constitution? We do Not have to settle or think they Know better than us or are “Doing the Best they can.”
New Info not in earlier “Notes”
Does the Government really Represent the People??
Is the Government really looking out of the People’s best interests??
National Security:
For those people prone to believe that the government’s military actions are really looking out for the safety for the American People and are protecting us from terrorists or nuclear attacks.
If this Government was truly trying to protect this country they would be searching and every shipping container coming to this country. As of now there are less than 2% of the containers coming to this country inspected. They could use equipment to inspect every container, but their excuse is the cost involved. They estimate it would be 10’s of billion dollars a year. If any country or terrorist wanted to bomb this country with Nukes, they are not going to send it by intercontinental ballistic missile. They could easily ship it through China or a dozen other countries on any cargo ship and end up in anyone or several of our ports at one time. Bombing these “terrorists” with drones in other countries is Not doing anything to protect this country. All it is doing is creating more “terrorists”. We are now bombing people in several countries that are supposed to be allies. Some of these countries do not have stable Governments and have Nukes. Our borders are Swiss cheese, our military is spread thin, and our budget for the military and federal national security is over a trillion dollars a year.
For the Safety of the People:
Everything the Government does or laws they try to pass is under the guise of Public Safety. Look at all the Federal Agencies there are that are supposed to be for the Safety of the People. FAA, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, DEA, TSA, the list goes on and on. So are they agencies really there to protect the people or is most of it crony capitalism?
Let’s take a couple of those agencies that were directly made to protect the people from harmful foods and drugs. The FDA is there to screen drugs, chemicals, and foods to make sure they are not harmful to the public. So how many chemicals have been banned after they were said to be safe. So maybe some of the chemicals or products took years to show that they were not safe or caused cancer. Maybe the tests were flawed, maybe the test were not done long enough, or maybe the tests results offered to the FDA were done by the companies trying to get the new chemicals, drugs or products to market. So with billions on the line in most cases these companies will do and spend whatever it takes to get those products sold in the US. Almost 2000 drugs lone were recalled in 2009 alone. These were all deemed safe and effective by the agency protecting us.
So now we have Genetically Modified Foods that have been in our food supply since 1996. These foods were test on Rats for only 90 days then approved by the FDA. All the petitions in the world can’t even get them to label these foods, yet they can spend millions going after farmers or food co-ops over raw milk or the wrong color pig in the pens. These GMO’s have been banned from countries all around the world or have the requirement that they have to be labeled. The independent studies from countries or labs around the world have showed all types of problems in later generations of offspring from animals fed GMOs. But these companies are protected by our government they have several ex-employees of these companies working in our Government and the FDA. So they have pretty much free reign to do what they want.
Government spending:
I still have not met a person who things the Government is fiscally responsible with OUR Money. The system has bankrupted local, state and the federal government. They spend more and more money they don’t have, putting us deeper in debt. They still can’t pass a budget or come to any type of agreement with this sequestration. Even if they make all of those cuts which hurt mostly the people of this country we still will be operating in a deficit adding more debt every day. What is really happening to the money in this country?
Your money and what’s happening to it:
This government and the system have been crushing the value of the dollar, destroying the assets and savings of every person in this country. I’m sure everyone knows about the Euro. What about the Amero? The wealth of this country is enormous compared to most of the world. Even the poorest people in this country have a standard of living and spend more money daily than most of the people in the world do in a week. They have attacked every asset and have loaded each person with so much government debt that this country IS bankrupt in every way. They have drained every dollar out of the social security system and replaced it with IOU’s. They wiped out as much equity as possible from most people’s only source of equity, their home. Now they have attacked our personal retirement accounts and took away about ten years of accumulated wealth in about a year. Now for their Last Target! Their last target is every person’s IRA’s, 401k’s and retirement accounts. This is happening directly by increasing the national debt. Most people are lead to believe that our national debt is owned by other countries like China. Yes China does hold a lot of debt compared to most countries but it’s only about 9%. Most of the debt is held by the American people in their retirement accounts. Trillions and trillions of Our money is held in bonds. Every pension fund, every IRA not directly controlled by you, holds a percentage in US Treasury Bonds, in other words, we are lending the government money to spend as much as they want with little to almost no interest.
So why does this matter?
What happens do the value of your pension fund or IRA if the bond market crashes? I’m not saying the Government doesn’t pay interest on Treasury Bonds, but those bonds become almost worthless. How can that happen? How can the system and the government make this happen? And most of all, WHY would the system or government want this to happen?
Bond yields or the interest the government pays you is basically the lowest in history. The Federal Reserve in what they claim is an effort to save the economy is doing what they call quantitative easing or what the Media might call QE1, QE2, or QE3. Their claim is if they inject money into the financial system there will be more money available to everyone or make loaning money for the banks less risky and almost guaranteed. They are doing this by producing money out of thin air and buying about $85 Billion dollars a month in Treasury Bills (Bonds) and mortgage back securities. They say it is adding liquidity to the market. Now since the Federal Reserve is a Privately owned Corporation that lends the US Government money or the “People” that is, for an interest rate they can not lose. If bond prices go up, that means the yield goes down the Federal Reserve will make money with money they made out of thin air. Remember bond Yields are historically low, the odds of them dropping is almost impossible, especially when they stop they QE3. They can keep bonds low by buying them up and taking the true discovery price of the market away. This $85 billion a month has nothing to do with the Federal Government’s $16 Trillion national spending debt. When they stop QE3 the bond market will crash. The money the Fed Res invested in bonds will lose money since they bought the Bonds in US dollars it will actually be a debt owed by the Federal Government, or really us.
When the bond market crashes the 10 trillion held by the people of this country will lose most of its value. Google “Bond Market Bubble” and see all the articles about the bubble ready to burst.
Prison for Profit: This country is 5% of the World’s population, yet we have 25% of the World’s prison population. Most of the prison population is from non-violent victimless crimes. These people in most cases are serving more time than rapist, bank robbers, and murderers. There are people serving life sentences or facing 40-60 years in prison for doing what is deemed legal in the State they live. The offer the Private Prison companies contracts based on a 90% occupancy rate. It’s not that the people of this country are so bad or do such illegal things. It’s that the system needs to keep the prisons full and keep increasing the prison population. Instead of addressing the underlying issues it is more profitable for the politicians and the corporations to just throw people in prison, after all the “People” are paying the bill. Do you really think it cost $45,000 a year to house a prisoner? Most of the people reading this didn’t make $45,000 a year for most of their lives. And because of the corrupt medical and insurance industry, it now costs almost $70,000 a year to house a prisoner over 50.
So Who is in control of Whom? Who are the pawns being drained of their resources? Who are the servants to the “System” and pays for everything by excessive taxes at every turn? Not one thing you do anymore is Not taxed in some way. The average person pays close to 60% of their income in some sort of tax or government fee in 2009.
So When is it going to be “Enough is Enough Already”, for you?
There are several lengthy “Notes” that explain Most all of this…. More “Notes” coming…… Add what info you think is missing…. Make sure you read all “Notes” first.!/pages/The-Consensus/360807813965324?sk=notes
There is a new blog started here…
FB tries to block logins, and posts. I will be making most of my updates on the Blog.
i do solemly swear i WILL b there & i want 2 b on the FRONT line !!on my HONOR as a natural born American.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! See you there. Now just try to help in anyway possible to spread the word. We need everyone to just to what they are able to!
DeleteThanks again!,sb=4197887,b=facebook
DeleteBecome a Card Carrying Member of Breaking Obama at:
DeleteThis is the beginning of something really big and I won't back down!
ReplyDeleteI really hope it is! I wish there was an easy way or they just walk away like they did in Iceland. Please help spread the word to anyone that will listen.
DeleteThanks and hope to see you there!
You have to twitter this guy! D.Bongino, ex secretservice, awesome guy standing up for pro-guns, says he stood up for 15 years for the other side, and what we are facing is a bunch of wolves, that we need ACTION, not talk..he knows things..
Deletetogether brother. Ill be there too
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is foolhardy and reckless. Violent (albeit unarmed) revolution is not at hand yet, and it's possible that it may never be. If you want to gain attention, this has to be like the MLK Jr. marches, without resistance, with allowance of injury, with massive media coverage AND social media coverage. You WILL ONLY HURT THE CAUSE IF YOU PROCEED! It makes patriots who want reform look insane. I believe that it is bad, but MOST CITIZENS HAVE NOT EVEN USED, LET ALONE EXHAUSTED THEIR CONVENTIONAL RESOURCES YET.
ReplyDeleteWrite LETTERS, have STUMP SPEECHES, MARCH, but this is DANGEROUS.
You will vindicate the people in control, and they'll use it to galvanize more control and stricter policies.
That's because you still think you can make a change by working within the system. There is nothing Violent about this. We are not on the offensive. This is purely defensive. We are Not going to lay down and be beaten like dogs like they did to the occupy movement or be taken over by the system like they did to the tea party movement. And when was the last time any petition, March, Protest has worked. Oh yeah, if you want to protest, make sure you fill out all the proper forms pay your fees, then move to the closest free speech zone. That's what they think of your Right to Free Speech. I doubt you read the entire piece otherwise you might have a bit better understanding of the system you are trying to change. How many dozens of Grand Jury indictments have there been on politicians in the last 30-40 years, and not one has made it to trial. That's what happens when you try to work within the corrupt system. And your last sentence is exactly why this needs to be done. Like they aren't doing that already!
Delete@drew nevitt,u jest go make ur stump speeches lil BOY..this is a job fer da MEN.NUFF SAID.
DeleteWhat a bunch of malarkey, the author of this blog is certifiable crazy and doesn't have a clue about reality. You seem to forget that the Administration was elected by a majority of the people and you talk as if that majority would support your imaginary treasonous actions. What do you think "we the people" that elected our government would do. If you think we'd stand by and let you pull this bullsheitz off (not that you could) you're crazier than Samantha. You all seriously need to get back on your meds before your effing mush brains start dripping out your noses. One Apache chopper buzzing your arses would have every one of you peeing and pooping your pants. I stand with the government, just as the vast majority of this country does and were it necessary, would be one of the millions taking up arms against you idiots! Have fun playing in your loony bin basements.
ReplyDeleteyou stand with the govt because they hand you what you need on a platter on the true patriots dime.....those who bleed for a better tomorrow ....for you and your children ...yet you criticize those who dare challenge a broken system because your part of the ok your conditioned to think that for elected by the masses .....there are no more elections they are controlled by computers with a predetermined outcome are blinded by what media tells you ....its like harry houdine use to say ....misdirection ....what the eyes see the ears hear the mind believes ....step out of your bubble ..allow yourself to be free from a close minded thought process....can you not see what the politicians are doing to the country .....war for profit .....why are we still in the afgan desert ....there is a mineral deposit there worth trillions and trillions fo dollars our troops protect for corporations ....but the media will tell you its all about the taliban....and frankly thats bullshit ....the war in irag was about oil.....sadam was trading oil in euro as well as dollars and it was screwing with the value of the petro dollar .....but the media tells you its to liberate a nation...when in fact we destroyed it and much of it still to date isnt habitable ....pity you trust so much in a system that would put you in chains if they could....patience they will try in time ....over my dead body .....semper-fi america long live the republic
DeleteHey direstraights,
DeleteDon't have time for the Wall! Some will never get it. Plus it feels so much better when you stop beating your head against it.
I wish the Republic was still alive. I hope to see you there, and I hope you help spread the word!
Laughing hyena is an idiot and not worth the time to try and convince. He/she is obviously one of the sheeple that's been brainwashed by the mainstream media and doesn't know just how wrong he/she is. Sad.
Deleteone of obama's cyber warriors(coward) there job is to try to spread fear and futility to stop any real numbers. there may be as many as a few thousand of them with multiple accounts. they also log data. if this happens be very aware of those among us who will do somethin stupid and get us all killed.
DeleteThey will be at your door soon enough taking your guns, and putting you in a fema house too, keep laughing hyena, it's not funny what is going on, and those that voted are not so happy now that our 2nd amendment rights are being threathend. I don't think everything he say's is doable, but do you have a better plan? At least he is trying to stand up for his fellow man, and country..what are you doing, standing up for? You will wish you did something, anything when you see everyone you know being brought out in the street, and killed like in Germany..
DeleteTHE ADMINISTRATION (pure, unadulterated Sheepletalk) was not elected by a majority of the people. More people didn't vote than voted for THE ADMINISTRATION.
DeleteGreetings from Denmark! I have been searching for a solution for a long time, and your writings here has helped me further along in my search. I am grateful for that. I will be following you for the next weeks to come, and make my decisions to how i can comply your tactics here in my own country. It was a long read and i will come back and read it again.
ReplyDeleteThat's why this can be Global Mutiny. The US is just the Military Arm the monster. I hope every person in the World can be truly free and not controlled by the system.
DeleteYes it is long, it is a compilation of a bunch of different notes I made for a FB page. I just started writing all of this January 29th 2013. Good luck in your efforts.
ReplyDeleteI host a podcast here in the Pac NW called the Status Quo Overthrow. I don't want to look like a spammer by posting a link. I'd love to set up a time to talk to you about all this if you're interested. I think it would be a fascinating conversation because I'm always looking for people who are willing to put their beliefs into action.
We need to get this info out in any way possible. I (we) need all the help I can get. I believe my email is posted here too. And please post any related link.
DeleteThanks and I hope to hear back from you.
Excellent! My site is It's only a few months old, but I've been featured in Portland's major alternative newspaper, and the podcast has a good-sized audience. I'll be in touch for sure.
DeleteI'm not seeing your email, but you can contact me at Thanks!
DeleteOk thanks. You can reach me at But I'll try you first, my inbox is always loaded lately.
DeleteSounds like a good idea for people who are aware our rights have been turned into privileges, our money is fake, our economy is fake, our election process is little more than a dog and pony show with a predetermined outcome. Count me in. Itll be a stretch coming from the west coast but i volunteer to be a first waver
ReplyDeleteThanks. We just need to get the word out as quick as possible. It will take everyone who understands to do everything and anything to get one more person to go. See you at the U.S.Grant Memorial, hope we can get the entire "Grotto" area filled with people. I was talking to people that are trying to charter buses from Calif. So maybe we will get some more posting like that.
ReplyDeleteI WOULD LOVE TO COME THEIR AND HELP YOU GUYS OUT... I HAVE MY OWN PASSPORT... BUT THIS COUNTRY IS CORRUPT AS HELL AND HAVE BEEN ROBBED OF EVERY THING PEOPLE HERE ARE TOO SCARED TO STAND UP... I POST AND POST ON MY WALL... only a few handful people agree with me... the rest are too scared... and i feel like i am alone here...
and also want to say... I am not scared of dying, but would rather fight if need be with a gun or a rocket launcher in my hand then give in... to these tyrants... i so wish i had the money to come over... i am good with a sniper rifle... and love them to bits...but as you know here in the uk... everyone is disarmed... and this is why no one wants to go against the governments... except flipping march and thats about it... no one want to take up arms and stand there ground and fight anymore... it seems every one here as turned into a coward... and i want more then this...
and there as to be more then this to life... I have a God given right to be free to choose and not to be robbed of my personnel things taken away from me. and walk or be pushed a side and then ave my stuff stolen off me while i being told if i do any thing its me then breaking the law ???
I am really fed up... living here with no future of any kind... and have little and still they want more of me... and want me to work as a slave and i will not... give this country or government any more...
i want to live some where were freedom is a choice and not to live under scared cowards and tyrants whom bully everyone... I some times wish I never came to the uk and instead went to america to live... freedom is every thing to me...
i just wished... one could help you and free a land that should be for the people and run by the people... we should have laws but good common sense laws... where things make sense...
anyway dont want to bore you too much but i have on my side posted this to my wall... and trying to get people here to stand up... its just too hard... to many cowards whom just want it easy... i want to fight for my freedom... but to no avail i feel like i am alone on this... many are angry yes... but will not take up arms just march and that's it...
They know how to deal with people with guns. When enough people have had enough of this BS the tides will change. I really think this is the best time to do something like this. This isn't about violence, hopefully things can go the way Iceland did.
DeleteI posted the link on Facebook. I have many friends who feel the same way. I wish I could go to Washington. The arthritis in my feet would end up getting me in the way. I want to help anyway I can. Email me. let me know what I can do to help us get the peoples country back!
DeleteThanks, We just ask people to do whatever they can within their abilities, talents and limitations allow them. We really need help just spreading the word. I will contact you also, or you can email me at
DeleteThanks for the support!
ReplyDeleteLink doesn't work. What's that about?
DeleteYou might want to make an alt fb and post on every major popular page.
ReplyDeleteThere is a FB page, and we try to reach other Admins from the same type of pages. The FB page is called The Consensus.
DeleteEverything was posted here too because FB was blocking log ins once in a while.
I am an admin for a fb and page that is a concept for the next possible style of government.
Deletethe fb is democracy2.0 let me know how i can help
Blake I read the blog, but on fb there were several democracy2.0's
DeleteI'll see if I can find yours. I will put it on The Consensus FB page, that or try to reach me there.
there are several major problems with this plan:
ReplyDelete1.Its too long, vaguely worded, and ponderous. If you are going to make an honest attempt to rally the masses you have to give them easy and concise steps to follow. The spelling and grammatical errors also deal massive blows to your already nonexistent credibility. You can't expect people to follow someone they can't even see, let alone someone they have never met.
2.You are making some very dangerous and invalid assumptions about crowd control that leads me to believe that you have never dealt with any of this before. People with paintballs are nothing against trained law enforcement officers in full riot gear. I worked corrections for a while and I know how riots work. The paintballs will do next to nothing and more than likely they wont even rupture on impact since they are simply being tossed and not shot as they are designed to be. Also, unless you are trained to deal with tear gas and pepper spray it WILL drop you, period. Anything short of military grade gas masks will be useless.
3. Expecting everyone to be able to come up with the money for transport on their own in just over a month is absolutely absurd especially once you stop to consider that most of your supporters are going to be college students who are, as a general rule, broke.
4.You're targeting the pawns, unless you remove the handlers of the international bankers from the equation they will simply replace the cronies you oust with more, assuming you actually get that far.
5.Talk to some active duty infantry. They are our friends, not our enemies. Special Forces, FBI, NSA, CIA, and all the other Federal agencies have been programmed past the point of no return and are not to be trusted. Our armed forces will not stand for the Constitution that they swore to protect to fall to the socialists and will establish martial law (not a bad thing) in order to protect it long enough to reset the government. They are our greatest chance to set things right.
7.Obama now has an internet kill switch AND complete control of the media and will not allow this story to spread. His cronies will simply arrest us for terrorists and will be able to do it legally since I doubt you have a permit for this protest which is required by law.
I have more critiques but I believe I have made my point. Don't get me wrong I am extremely pleased with your enthusiasm and we are going to need every one of you if we are going to take back our planet. I have spent my entire life studying American History as well as military tactics and strategy and trust me we are going to have to go outside the normal channels to fix this. Please don't take this the wrong way I really want to help but I refuse to see that many patriots thrown away with nothing to show for it. We need to sit down and really think this out before going off half cocked like this. If you are as serious as you seem to be email me at and I will gladly include you in the movement I'm starting in the midwest. Thank you and God bless you all!
Any armed revolt would be smashed easily and with justification in the public's eye and those police standing behind their guns. If they would step down like they did in Iceland, there would be no problem. That will probably not happen here. And if 5 million people show up, I think it's game, set, match!
DeleteAnd we are not targeting any single person or group. We have nothing against the police or the people in the military. They are victims as much as everyone else. And yes there is a lot of info there, but you also can't have a two step approach.
And the target is the System, not the people. I hope you did read everything there. That is pretty well explained.
Thanks for the feed back!
Only if we fought on their terms, remember they can't afford to just wipe us out. It doesn't need to be limited to two steps but a clearer and more concise post would go a a long way to gaining the support we need. The problem with targeting our government is that it is a puppet used as a front by the international bankers to subjugate the American people. Taking down our government will only treat the symptom but leave the central conspiracy untouched. Its not the government we need to target it is the Federal Reserve.
DeleteYes Dustin, The Fed is the main part of the system. We are not going after people. You can change all the people, and that would do nothing unless you change the system that corrupts.
DeleteHam radio's are the only thing they cannot control, everyone should get those, because they are controling FB, and google for sure, and they will killswitch it..
DeleteI believe that this, OR State Nullification, is the first step to RESTORE the RULE OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWs, especially but not limited to the VITAL eighteen enumerated powers clauses under Article I Section 8, PURSUANT to the Ninth and TENTH AMENDMENTS and the money clauses of Article I Sections 8 (clause 5) and 10 (clause 1).
DeleteThese LAWs which WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established upon our elected and non-elected Republican and Democrat Federal public servants must, above all, be restored to full force and affect, which will dissolve the powers, size, scope and spending of the usurped powers of The Federal Government and restore these and the money for them back to the free and sovereign States and The People, from whom they were stolen.
I like this plan.
BUT EVERY SINGLE PERSON must sign a PLEDGE that they understand that the PRIMARY purpose of this action is to RESTORE THE RULE of our LAWs, especially but not limited to the eighteen enumerated powers, size, scope and spending which We The People granted them for the privilege to serve us in these eighteen limited capacities, in order to dissolve the U.S. Government back down and chain them down to "secure the Blessings (and individual wealth and prosperity) to ourselves and our Posterity" (Preamble of The Constitution).
ALL of those who go to do this cannot be afraid of collapsing the US Government to conform to the Law and also must understand that we are also collapsing "The Matrix" the unsustainable computer generated dream world economy based on imaginary money printed and digitized out of thin air which has been designed FROM THE BEGINNING to manipulate and control our daily lives, decisions, choices and behaviors in a prison you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
They must realize that by collapsing The Matrix "system" we will likely have economic hardship for 3 - 5 years, but after that the average common workingman/family will become wealthy and powerful in the ether of TRUE freedom, free of The Matrix (The System).
@ Drew Nevitt & Laughing Hyena
ReplyDeleteYou are both blind to reality and need to wake up. If you think the system is working in your best interests I will pray that you will see the light soon. The elections are nothing more than illusions of choice designed to divide and subjugate the American people.
if this doesn't convince you, nothing will.
Deletethis is a better quality version of the same video
Listen...I have gotten a lot of heat on this, but I strongly advise more ideological resistance before any uprisings...further waaaay too many people know about this and even the rally point. This plan I see has A LOT of great thought behind it but stealth, ambush, and suprise wins revolution with Guerrilla Warfare. I am not being negative, I am being realistic. Godspeed to the dedicated.....angry mob justice!!! However I am not fully convinced on the plan's timing and blatany. Godspeed
ReplyDeleteThat is not the only rally point. Plus we will have recon out days before to see what defenses they are trying to set up. This is not to be considered a battle first.
DeleteThanks for the comment!
Meeio why no profile info? No name or any other info. How do we know you're even legitimate. All the other organizers post real names and, contact information.
ReplyDeleteI will release my identity before the right before April 20th. If you say the number of death threats and things some of these people say, you wouldn't blame me. The public that supports this gov. is much more dangerous than what the gov can do to me.
DeleteThere is a email there for me, and this wasn't started to draw attention to me, it's about the movement itself. So I hope you understand it's about the safety of my family.
By setting yourself up as a leader you ARE drawing attention to yourself. You claim to be ready to die but are too afraid to show your face. Besides, if the fed REALLY wanted to come after you and your family, this ruse WON'T stop them. You need to do some more research on the beast you are planning to fight.
DeleteDon't waste our time. The day and objective are set. Meelo is no longer driving this train. The volunteers are.
DeleteLike I said Dustin, It's not the Gov. I'm worried about, it's the public that supports this corrupt system, they are more dangerous and violent then the Gov.
DeleteAnd obviously you read enough to make a comment to support your view.
And Miki is right. My job was to get the info out there. This is the people rEvolution, not mine! I just put together everyone's comments, concerns and ideas into one format or plan.
You're not anonymous....hahah you have an IP dumb ass.
DeleteNever heard of proxies or tor?
DeleteNever heard of a 1998 Kawasaki motorcycle, MM?
Deletei got a letter from the government the other day. i opened and read it, it said they wete suckaz. they wanted me for the army or whatever. picture me giving a damn, i said NEVER. heresy a land that never gave a damn , about a brother like me and myself because they never can. SALUTE
ReplyDeleteDon't let any one discourage you. WE have to do this. Our "representatives" have ignored our request for a full investigation. WE THE PEOPLE have screamed to this government to STOP spending OUR money like it grows on trees. If we do not take back this government, they WILL enslave us all. I'm with you. All the way. I am studying up on the "battle" plan, saving my money and making plans to be there. My skill is organizing so I'm not sure what group I would be in but I can organize anything! This won't let me post with my name......
ReplyDeleteHelp get the word out before hand. I am talking with people directly that are doing everything they can daily. We need everyone to do what they can. We are going to make a Information Type Group, just to help inform people that show up without really knowing what's going on. I believe my email is posted here, or post your email and I will try to contact you.
DeleteI'm going and have many friends that are ready to join me but already I see a problem with promotion. Usually I have many subscribers who share all my posts but this one is not getting shared. Look at my FB page Miki Booth and see how many times I posted it and what I wrote. What we need is a simple notice and I haven't seen that yet. People are turned of by the name global mutiny. You have to change the label. I can make one. This has already started - The date and objective is out there. Few will read all the details. contact me. I have a national following - we need me.
ReplyDeleteGlobal Mutiny was a blog started by someone a while ago. And really the system does control just about the entire World. I know a bunch of people that are going, but never commented or liked the page. There is a big social stigma about this. They know what's happening to this country, but don't want to be labeled by friends, family, or their community. Remember well over 60% of the people supported the King and wanted no part of the first revolution. And only about 3% of the people to an active roll in it.
DeleteAnd Hi Miki, I saw your posts on FB too.
Miki has a "national following" of -- wait for it -- 179 people on Facebook, and the four people who bought her book. She has, however, posted links to this website over and over again. So you can probably count on her, yourself, and um - 179 *.1 (the ten percent who are actually serious about this deluded idea) *.1 (the ten percent of those who have money/time/nerve to attend) and we're already up to 2.79 people attending! OVERTHROW!!!!
DeleteDustin you're right. "Global Mutiny" turns people away. Also planning to take over government offices is crazy. Another thing April 20th is a Saturday and no one is offices. Ludicrous. This type of rhetortic is not affective. This plan to over throw is crazy.
ReplyDeleteWe are not going after the people, that's why it is on Sat. plus more people can be there. I guess you only read what you thought was needed to make a comment to support your view.
DeleteBut your plan is to march to their offices and arrest them/ask them to vacate, right? How can you do that if they're not there? Or is the plan to "occupy" the offices? How will you get past security?
DeleteAgain! Never said go after the people and arrest them!
DeleteThat's one of the reasons it is on a Saturday, because they probably won't be there unless there is a special session in order.
Don't get me wrong I am totally on board with bringing the system down but our government is a puppet for the Federal Reserve which is in turn controlled by the international bankers. If we are going to accomplish anything worthwhile you have to target the architects of the whole conspiracy. Even so, there are massive strategic errors to what you are planning.
ReplyDelete1. You are sacrificing the element of surprise by showing your hand right out of the gate.
2. You are attacking your opponent on his own home turf with a vastly inferior force.
3. You have next to no usable intelligence on your opponent.
4. Your opponent knows you're coming.
Just to throw out a few. While this is "nonviolent" the same rules apply. This plan half baked, naive, poorly timed, has no logistical support, lacks realistic achievable goals, and is completely off target. When you are ready to listen to reason, contact me and you will be included in a reasonable plan of action. Also, please keep shit like this off the web, that way we don't hand them our best laid plans on a silver platter.
the actual enemy is most likely in either london or vatican city. side note: london city center, washington DC and vatican city. are actually seperate sovereign nations with seperate constitutions. police, military and public works. than their surrounding countries. the true architects are in one of those places. they may in fact be guiding this confrontation to suit them.
DeleteI want them to know everything! That's part of it!
Deletewhat ever needs to be done must be done sooner not later.each day the govt gets stronger in size and lethal force.just look at the news each day, regarding the DHS and the procurement of arms and ammunition,and it doesn't stop there.they are arming other govt agencies as well.some of those are agencies you would never even think of as being armed.I support this movement,but the govt is already preparing for this type of unrest.our own military needs to be involved in this, coup so to speak.more preparation is needed but in the same note,we must move quickly.I am a vetran medic and will give of my knowledge and services as needed to help.please continue this cause with fervor and passion,as it must not die.God bless us all, in this plight.
ReplyDeleteI agree, but this march is a suicide mission. This is just the sort of thing the Fed is ready for and expecting from the few of us with the courage to act. There will come a day where the Fed will pull something that will wake up the citizens of this country all at once and we will be unstoppable. The few of us who see what is coming need to be ready to guide those who will come. I have been putting together a local team to respond to this and all of you would do well to do the same. We need to prepare and coordinate our efforts when the time is right.
DeleteDustin, I agree 100% with you on everything I have read that you have posted. In order to achieve this goal the military will absolutely have to be involved. Or, like you have stated this will be a suicide mission.
DeleteThe Military will be notified. And I already know that even the higher ups in the military will support the people of this country over these puppet politicians. Remember they see what is going on too.
DeleteBut there does not have to be any violence at all.
Iceland did it with no problems, and we can do it here.
I just know that common sense is not popular in our gov.
Any type of armed revolt would be smashed and justified to masses by the media.
Even if you had a civilian army of 10 million, it would be brushed off as a crazy group of gun nuts. I need one tenth of that dressed in suits and ties and not willing to be beaten like dogs.
Dustin, if we go and stick to the plan we will prevail. Im spending and sacrificing alot to go because I know its gonna take everyone. Lets do this man.
DeleteMy first thought was this is Pickets Charge Revisited. Then I thought, no they would not use live rounds. After reading all the comments, I have to agree with Dustin, this is not a good idea. Please stop it before its too late. I think there is something bigger going down that will be done on a more professional military level. God Bless all of you for your Patriotic Spirit!
DeleteYou don't understand, they want an armed revolt. Watch all the Executive Orders that were written in the last 40 years to go into action. They do not want a couple million people showing up unarmed and determined to do what it takes to restore this country.
DeleteLike I will tell everyone, I have signed petitions, called congressman, protested, written letters, etc. for the last 30 years. None of it works or ever will, they do not care what the people want and they never will. They are controlled and corrupted by the money in politics. We need to end the Fed. Res. the lobbyist bribes, and reform campaign financing. If anyone that has any better idea that will work to do that I will stop this tomorrow and put all my efforts behind that. I am not looking to get anyone hurt on all sides.
I to have e-mails my senators, & congressmen & even obama I know I am being watched & 'm not pariod becau I can't post certain things on FB any more, I'm 69 years old , a woman & I will be happy to be on the front line. my e-mail is, in honor of my poodle I lost to cancer at the age of 15. I will be there to support you I have been begging people to do this for a long time.
DeleteAnnette Hindsley
Thanks Annette,
DeleteWe are know going to be working with other groups. We are going to consider this their consequences for ignoring the people one final time. So you might have to sign 1 more petition, and if there are no results, I will see you in DC!
This is happening as I type this so we will release all the details when we can.
@ meeio, let em fuss bout da name & petty sh#t like dat..i c u,me & 4 more WILL b there,LETS ROLL bro.
ReplyDeleteLeroy, please do not post again until you manage to achieve a moderate knowledge of the English language. If you can't even take your language seriously when it comes to something this important I weep for this movement.
DeleteBring as many as you can Leroy, Help get the word out!
Deletemeeio, any idea at this point how many are coming, it was said if there wasn't enough people, it wasn't going to happen, I live way over in MN, and wheelchair bound, so making this trip come together is a major feat for me...i'm not worried bout the hassle of the trip, i'm worried i make the trip and we don't have the show of force thats needed.
Bob, I wish I could talk for all the people out there.
DeleteI can only say for certain that I will be there and my back up will be there, and some of their back ups.
I know a lot of people that are going, but won't post on any event page. There is a huge social stigma for talking about such things or supporting such things in public.
They are worried about blow back from their friends, family and community.
But I can tell you since March 3rd when I posted this, There are about 6,000 views a day. And I know several outlets are just starting to post a link to this blog.
We will soon reach a point where it will spread like wild fire. And it doesn't take long on the internet now.
I now people have reached a breaking point in this country but no alternative has ever been offered until now.
Do what you can to help spread the word, and I hope to see you there!
And take care!
Dustin just sit idly and weep. Weep rhymes with sheep.
ReplyDeleteWhy on a weekend no people will be in them buildings? What will that do? And i notice while reading you where talking about this will cause maybe martial law if thats the case it will no longer be cops but armed military. Who has the power to shoot to kill and taking over a government building will be the reason they need. Brings me back to the question why when nobody there? Martial law for a couple buildings with no officials in it? And no weapons? Could this be a false flag to get more laws passed or to get martial law into effect...hummmm
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous. I don't by all this . Your demanding the politicians leave their office and if they don't you'll remove them. Need flash April 20 us Saturday no one's there. April 21 Sunday you can storm a empty building? You going to demand the janitors surrender? Meeio if your legit there's no need to hide your identity. The government already knows who you are and where you live.
Delete!st of all we are NOT going after the people! That's one reason for being on Saturday. And I said Martial Law could be in place. Odds are if we get several million people there, they probably will put DC in lock down. By that time it might be too late for them. Don't forget, just because they say Martial Law is in place doesn't mean people will follow it. And the US Military will NOT attack unarmed Americans. They are victims of the same system. And yes even the higher ups in the military support the people of this country more than the puppet politicians.
DeleteAnd I'm not worried about the gov. It's the public that support the system that are more dangerous and violent than the gov. If I showed you some of the messages you would understand. And it's not about ME!
Become a Card Carrying Member of Breaking Obama at:
plus if you put in miltia, kilillumini, another big one, just put in any name that groups are using, put it on Alex Jones fb page (he's media), what about that Sheriff's site, all those sheriff's on fb, any of the big followings, and send a link to those huge'de have over the 100,000 in no time..people are ready, they just need a time, and plan..
ReplyDeleteThat's why it will take all of us to try to contact as many people as possible. You never who we might reach that will have a direct line to any great influential people,
Deletehave you heard of this site/show? Might be worth contacting them
No I haven't heard of Wolf-pac, that's why we need people to do that for us. If you believe in this and have a contact or a way to spread the word do so.
DeleteI will try, But I hope you do to.
I have been preachimg of corruption to my friends and family and nobody has listened. I served 4 yeara in the marine corps I swore to uphold the constitution and my country is getting ripped apart.
ReplyDeleteI will be there to help take these men out of power. Long live freedom, give me liberty or give me death.
Help spread the word!
DeleteWe need to get the word out to as many as possible.
Thanks for the support and I'll see you there!
All we need is to have congressman and a president that can read English, Evidential y none of these elected jerk offs can read and understand the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. We would be okay if this was the case. Do you folks see where we are heading, we have Communist in DC working to destroy America and what we stand for and believe in. This is a sad state of affairs the voters who did this to America are Low info Voters look who we have leading the country, Shame shame on all of you who didnt see the Wolves clothing on this Black Sheep who is posing as a ethical Leader of the USA. When will the Drones start hitting Americans with out Due Process???????" wake up Americans
ReplyDeleteThat's why we don't have time to talk to the Wall. People like you get it, and it will take all of that are awake to get the money out of politics. That is the main objective. Take out the system! Help spread the word! Thanks!!!
DeleteYou need a larger organization to reinforce your position otherwise I believe your protest will backfire and disarming the people will be much more agressively approached by them. They already have plans for revolutionary actions and this will only get them running down that path instead of taking a stroll. Involving an organization that is already recognized as in alignment with your views will give much needed credability without them gaining the ability to squash your plans before you can get them on a solid footing.
ReplyDeleteThis blog was only posted on March 3rd, and we are already getting over 6.000 views a day. Everyday it just about doubles in views. It will spread quickly with the help of every single person that believes in this.
DeleteHas anyone tried reaching out to groups like the Oath Keepers, three percenters? Can we get sponsors, we need more representation.
ReplyDeleteThis just started. The very first post of this was Jan 29th on a FB page. This is up to the people. You need to stand up for yourself. You need to spread the word if you believe in this movement. It will take the people, not sponsors, or some group to financially back it. And yes we have been in touch with different Oathkeepers type groups. I can even tell you that higher ranking Military will stand behind the people before these puppet politicians.
DeleteIf you want more people I would rally up these guys I know for a fact they have a huge following with even more friends, we need numbers and this is where we can get the most support in my opinion
DeleteMaybe someone like Ron Paul can help with advice and guidance.He and his followers would probably stand with the first wave on 4-20. Better start thinking about leaders now.
DeleteI agree, Ron, Rand, System of a down, Disturbed, Megadeth, we need a voice. We need large publicity now! If you want to get this thing done and done right we need to get this info out faster 8k a day is not going to get you results. I know there are thousands of groups, bands, public figures that are preaching this same corruption and would be more then willing to help... Your only giving a few bloggers a month to tell the masses. I don't see you getting any where close to your desired results.
DeleteWe have tried to contact several groups. That's why I say it is up to everyone to try to get the word out in the best way they know how. If you have contacts use them. I have found that most of these groups are about getting likes on their page or just having a following. They have No real plan or even set goals. I have even had some of them say that we are trying to steal their thunder. If anyone has a better plan or option, I will stop this today and put all my efforts behind that.
DeleteI got the word out, now it's everyone's job to spread that word if they believe in the movement! And to list names of possible replacements can and will cause division, I would just as much like to see any of you be temp Pres. than anyone already involved with the system.
So hel get the word out Twitter this page like crazy.
Im trying to get So Cal State Militia to support us
DeleteGreat! We need all the help we can get.
DeleteSome of the most traffic to this blog has been coming from groups or I should say forum pages like that. Of course the main source is still FB.
If you are not going after people whats the point than? All they will do is round you all up group by group by group. Even with the way your plan is. Anytime you try to occupy a government building that is a act of treason. They will shoot to kill you at that point. Andfor what a empty building? If you are not going after people there is no reason to do it. What will you change by time monday comes around most of you will be in jail and officials will be back in there offices making even harder laws on us. And they WILL make martial law. Your plan has too many holes in it...sorry. You are not changing things you are giving them the fuel the need for the fire. If you think the feds are just giving up there power because of 500000 unarmed protesters you greatly will be the first in fema camps.
ReplyDeleteExactly, bro PLEASE get in touch with me, I'd prefer face to face communication as all other communications are monitored email me at so we can try to set up a meeting. The fools here are obviously not going to listen to reason so why not get on board with those gearing up for a REAL revolution?
DeleteExactly! That's what I've been saying!
DeleteI understand your point. And that is why we have back up on their way to DC on the 21st. If you try to target certain people or party, you will loose half of the support. Plus this is not about the people. You can change every person in the system, and the system will just corrupt the next group. That is why you go after the system and Not the people. And as far as a "Real" revolution, that is when they will justify killing 2 million or even 10 million Americans, and the masses will be fed a bunch of crap by the Media and the masses will all cheer your deaths. This will change the tides of public opinion. That's why we try what Iceland did, but with a slight twist, because we know the gov has to big of egos to just walk away. Remember they feel they are above all laws, otherwise they would exempt themselves from just about everyone they pass. And I will contact you Dustin, and I'm all for your real revolution if all else fails, or they start going door to door.
DeleteIf you're not going after the people, and you're unarmed, and it's a weekend so there's noone in the buildings, but you're not interested in the buildings --- then what exactly is your plan? Tiananmen Square in Wash DC? One million unarmed people facing (and being fired on) by thousands of tanks? (Look how much of a difference THAT made, NOT).
DeleteI agree with earlier poster -- to get real interest and action on this concept, you need 1) a real concept 2) short and specific plans of action with 3) real and possible results.
We are taking control of the buildings.
DeleteIt's right there, we will take over as many buildings as the amount of people there.
No, we are not going after the people!
We are trying to remove the system that corrupts the people that are suppose to represent us!
I think If you start reading from the beginining to the end, you will see there are specific plans, and a real concept, and expected results, goals, and objectives...
Look at history unarmed people is just a protest not a revolution. The revolutionary war was not won by protesters but by force! This will turn into another occupied wall street event. All your yelling and fighting with the cops will not force people to quit there positions of power. Force is needed plain and simple because they will use force to stop you. Look at the 1960 people did this plan already remember the hippies? They stormed in peacefully and what changed....nothing. And once you do get resisted by force what than you are all unarmed? Sorry bro but this is just away to get tougher laws on us thats all this plan of yours will do. Which makes me wonder why you hide your identity if your fighting for the people you should already by protected by people not scared to tell us who you are but want us to fight for you? Sounds to me your like one them Union reps who i seen at other protest.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you read it all, or you just skimmed over it. This is not a Protest in anyway. There is No screaming and yelling at the police. I think you need to read it again to see what this is really about. No amount of protests or petitions will work. And there are more of the public that actually support the system. They are more violent and dangerous than the gov. If you saw any number of death threats I get, you would understand. I want to make it to DC at least.
DeleteMaybe these people that want to know your identity are actually FBI-Secret Service. Watch your back dude!
DeleteWhy no weapons? If we can get 2 million to march lets get 2 million to march with guns... I really don't see the difference if the out come is the same.
ReplyDeleteAs I wrote, we do not want the police to be able to justify shooting a bunch of armed people. Plus the media will still be able to label a group of two million armed people as a bunch of rebel nut jobs. They open fire on Unarmed Americans Not dressed in fatigues and Camo, the support of the public will multiply ten fold. Plus we want the police and military on our side, It's not about fighting the people, it's about going after the corrupt system.
DeleteOk but what your not understanding is when you try to take over a government building it is reason to shoot plain and simple. And like I said no officials will be there it's pointless. Revolutions don't happen without force being used this is nothing more than a protest. Your physically removing anyone. They well just arrest you. And you don't need a weapon for officers to shoot if they feel threaten they will shoot. Tell me one revolution without force? Even the Iceland one they didn't do it on a weekend they physically removed people. Your plan is no more than a protest.
DeleteYou are also targeting the wrong people, the politicians are just pawns, we need to take down the Federal Reserve!
DeleteNeed to make local groups that meet and share information and do this on a broad scale. They took away that ability to communicate using radios by converting to digital and outlawing the bandwidths previously used on most portable radios. We need an effective method to communicate privately to establish organization and posture. Work on this goal first: An inexpensive and effective method of communication independent of internet and telephone service.Then we can Plan further
DeleteThe Central Banks, Fed Res, is on of the main parts of the system. This is not our founders revolution. They faught against a standing Army. There is No foreign Army in front of us, just other Americans! The system corrupted this country and going after the People will not help. If the Public believes there need to be trials later, well that is up to the public. And I don't see how you can say this is just another protest.
ReplyDeleteEveryone go to that it it's important!^^^
ReplyDeleteI have shared this link over 1,000 times in the last 30 hours . I hope this helps to have a great turnout on April 20-21 . Long live the free America!
ReplyDeleteThanks We and I mean All of us need as much help as we can get! Thanks for the support.
DeleteNow do that
But that would help too.
We need people to do what ever is in their power to help spread the word! Hope to see you in DC!
I'm 100% for this, but, for the time being not sure if I'd be lacking in the cohorts I need to bring and also have as back-up, working on that now, damn local gov/police have ppl stupified, trifled & obedient already, but will persevere and move forward no matter what, have a weeks paid vaca coming and getting ready to use it. Don't really need to explain how I was brought up with farming, hunting, fishing trapping and hearing how a new freedom will happen in my lifetime, nor how I fully understand the mutiny and bs has educated me along the way: Waco, Ruby Ridge, 7/7 bombings in London, lack of the 16th amendment ever being ratified by the supreme courts, dumbing down of americans through cartoons, tv, news, gov controlled & corp sponsored media, 9/11, all sorts of stuff...they're after ppl's soul, the Satan worshiping upper ppl...I'm in and I want to know exactly how I personally can contribute. Very mad, but own 4 nice suits. Been savvy to their bs for years. Always heard when I was young about the new revolution, be paradise to be part of it, even IF I get pumped full of lead.
ReplyDeleteNow Here is a MAn tht Gets IT!!!
DeleteWe need everyone to spread the word about this as quick as possible.
This blog was posted late on March 3rd, and we have been getting about 8,000 views a day on average. We need about 80,000 views a day!
So what ever you can do with in your power to help will be great!
" How to get the Government to listen to us without violence 100% GUARANTEED
ReplyDeleteAre you upset with how this country is being run and want your voice to be heard?
Here's an idea: Do nothing. Sit at home and chill. Don't go out to eat, don't go to the movies, shopping, work, school, don't drive your car, don't do anything!
Just stock up on a month's worth of supplies, like food, medications - those regular things you'll need - and do nothing.
If more than half the United States does this all at the same time, can you imagine what would happen to the economy? Can you imagine the sort of response that would be triggered?
What's even better is that this isn't violent in any way. It's a silent message. It's not even rebellion. But it will get their attention in as little as one week's time.
There have been studies made on how the country would be affected if just a smallpox outbreak was reported at several key transportation areas like JFK, O'Hare, etc.
Think of what it would do - how your voice WOULD be heard if you were to DO NOTHING for just one week. Two weeks or even one month.
All that's necessary is to do absolutely nothing - don't fly - don't drive or ride a bus or even a subway. Don't leave your home to go to work or shopping - don't send your kids to school - don't pay your bills - don't do anything.
If you are a health care provider - a nurse or doctor - don't go back to your normal duties because once you have all shut down and are not doing your normal activities the beast will be forced to send in its military personnel to staff regular civilian duties until they end the Country's strike.
But in order to bring this beast to its knees you will need the vast majority of people to follow suit. In one weeks time - just 7 days of no activity the President will be urging every American to go back to work and their normal activities.
In two weeks time he will be begging you - and in one month the government will be in such dire strait they will be willing to listen to the people's voice. All done without firing a shot or any kind of violence - simply unify and DO NOTHING until the beast is brought to its knees by your inaction.
Pass it on! Operation Inaction Starting April 1, 2013"
I love it!
DeleteNow we need to get the word out on that!
The problem is the number of people or percentage of the population needed to achieve an effect or change the system. I really do like that idea, I'm not being sarcastic. I think that would take at least 30-40% of the population to really shut things down. Something that should be a yearly event until the numbers are dramatic. That's if we don't eliminate the system On April 21st. I hope it does go like Iceland did. I'm not looking for people to get killed.
I'm with this guy, only 8000 views a day and 100+ comments and only a 1k in Facebook followers, you have no chance. The people will not show up, but convincing them to sit on there lazy arse and do nothing all day now thats something I can get behind. Your plan sounds good and all but I dont see this happening you don't have the media support, Occupy, Tea Party, no political figures, no groups, no militias your not outsourcing anything you have nothing but a few guys in their mothers basement who prolly wont even show up. Lets do nothing instead of something his way seams way easier and less likely to get me killed, entrapped, jailed, or blown up.
ReplyDeleteThey want a Armed revolt! That is their next goal. Then you will really see what all the Executive Orders are all about. If they go door to door in this country, then YES I agree, every neighborhood needs to protect themselves and fight. But if we can remove the system that corrupts the people of this country then we will have really won!
DeleteIt this another overhype underattended events. Don't you guys ever get embarassed. I guess you got to spend dome of that donation money. If not no non-profit status. Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteYour comment makes NO SENSE at all !
DeleteWe don't have a donation fund set up, and we probably won't. You spend your money to get yourself there. Tell me this is like any other plan you have seen.
ReplyDeleteUS Congress approved HR 347 to ban Public Protest, First Amendment
by Kurt Nimmo March 5, 2012 It is fairly obvious Obama and Congress rushed through H.R. 347 in order to curtail demonstrations that will undoubtedly occur during both Democrat and Repu...
Did you guys see this?? Some info into the history of HR 347, it is nothing new. It is important to read the article carefully.
DeleteWhy hitlers birthday? And you say its not just another protest? No one will be there! Who are you trying to get out if no one is there! Im sorry i like what you say but your plan is nothing more than a PROTEST! Even with a million people there and you get to say the white house than what storm the building? Or just stand outside yelling what is your plan to remove these people? Simply words? I truly believe your part of a group working with the government for a false flag! People read this plan very careful he even says martial law will be inacted. You will all find yourselves in a camp somewhere and what a better way to get all them people in one state to round up than a "revolution" of peace. The two words dont even go together! You hide your name because your worried about "people" but not the government? Hummm maybe because thats where your check comes from? And even state in your own words that "you" will not show if there aint a certain number of people there? How could you know how many people will be there are ypu going to do a head count first? PEOPLE PLEASE BE DONT GO INTO THIS BLINDLY ANYONE WHO DONT WORRY ABOUT THE ENEMY BUT THE PEOPLE HE FIGHTS FOR IS HIDING SOMETHING!
ReplyDeleteNo, I said Martial COULD be.....
DeleteNO, I said even if I have to go by myself I will be there.
Your Question... "Even with a million people there and you get to say the white house than what storm the building?"
What the hell does that question mean?
And we want to take control of the buildings. We want to get rid of the system that controls the people that are suppose to represent The People!
We people read what you want, but don't read what is actually there. Read it again, and see how your questions do not make sense.
April 20th is the first Sat. after tax day, April 15th. It will be fresh on people's minds how the Gov just throws away their mopney!
I'm not trying to or going to wastee my time convincing you, either you Know or you don't.
And maybe you are one of the idiots that send me messages saying they will skin my kids alive in front of me and a long list of crap about my wife. That's the kind of public I'm worried about.
I'm Darryl, from Canada... Go and watch this video... "The Story of the Star Spangled Banner"
ReplyDeleteReally... What is your Flag worth if not for the tenacity of the American people... Put down your TV Remote and do this for America... To quote JFK, "Ask not what your country can do for you but, ask what YOU can do for your country"... It's time to become American again... The whole world depends on YOU to show your tenacity again.
I am sorry but, being an "American" has it's cost... Show the world that it is as GREAT as the rest of the world expects you to be... If it were within my power and it may still be despite being permanently disabled, I, as a Canadian, will be in Washington DC, to be a part of our fight... I say that because this fight includes Canada. We're not just your cousins, we're your Brothers and if the American Flag falls, so goes the Canadian Flag... We're joined at the hip... and I hope more Canadians will wake up to the fact that if America falls, we will all be slaves...
This can change the World! We are the Military Arm of the Cabal I call the System! Thanks for all the support!
DeleteWe need everyone!!
Thank You Darryl
ReplyDeleteYes they would, but they will have them for us. Plus bringing them shows intent of an offensive action against them. We hope there will not be a need for that.
DeleteIts irritating how people have so much opinion on this and it seems they didn't even read it. He says again and again NO VIOLENCE NO WEAPONS he's not starting a violent uprising revolting against all authority, if you didn't catch that, try reading.
ReplyDeleteThe main objective is to remove the forces that corrupt and control of our Government, basically the Fed. Res. the lobbyist money, and campaign finance reform.
DeleteThanks for the support!
Please help spread the word.
Im in.. Hallaluja its about time
ReplyDeletePlease help spread the word!
DeleteWe need to get this out to as many people as possible and as quickly as possible.
I have a few concerns: since there will be plenty of notice given that we are coming, what will happen if we run into police or military check points along roads entering DC? Next has anyone thought about all those obama ass lickers coming to try and stop us? Rest assured, they will be armed and they will not care about attacking any of us. You already have gangs of youths attacking people on DC's subway system and most victims are white. Obviously you put a lot of time putting this together and I commend you for it, you did a lot of homework. But you know what, the "Stay Home Plan & Do Nothing" is a lot safer. May be that is worth a try, especially since that site is calling for it 3 weeks before this plan.
ReplyDeleteI like that stay at home and do nothing plan, but what percentage of the people have the means or are willing to risk their jobs. Lets say you do get 3-5% of the people to stay home. I don't think it would have an impact on the government or remove the system. Even if you got 30% of the people to stay home, the government would make all types of concessions and promises, then back to business as usual in a couple of months.
DeleteThere are other places we have picked out that will have the same effect and impact. Remember we are not going after the people, we are going after the system that controls and corrupts them. That is basically the Fed. Res. the lobbyists money and campaign financing. Plus restore the country to a true Republic again.
We will have recon out a couple of days before. They have only so many resources. We can move people around quicker than they can move defenses around. And as far as check points into DC or road blocks, they can't stop you for being a tourists. You have no weapons, you are not dressed in fatigues, plus other places are very close to DC.
Let me know if this helps. I am writing more details about the how part, because that seems to be the question that comes up the most. This came from everyone that added their questions comments and concerns.
This plan actually looks a lot better than this stupid plan!
ReplyDeleteI tried to look at that page, but I couldn't... well I had to register and didn't want to just then. I will try to check it out.
DeleteBut either way there are tons of groups that are trying to do something about our corrupt system of government. That's why we need to unite everyone!
Spread the Word!
How about taking these politicians out of office in their respective districts and putting them under arrest for treason. Our Constitutional Sheriffs can start the ball rolling. First on the list Diane Frekinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck U. Schumer, Andrew Coumo. Boy wouldn't be fun to see them all on trial for treason?
ReplyDeleteThere are several problems with going after a certain person or group of people or even party. Half of the people that voted supported them. That is why we are trying to remove the system that corrupts and controls them. Basically the central banks (our Fed. Res.) the lobbyists that constantly throw money their way, and campaign and campaign financing reform. Do we really need to have close to 2 years of election campaigning and needing to spend close to $1 billion dollars to get elected President?
DeleteThey won't be supporting them for long when their public broadcasted trials show what they are guilty of.
DeleteI agree, that's why this has to be mostly about wining Public Opinion. We can not look like a crazed extremist group. We will be within our Rights as Americans!
DeleteJust checking in.
ReplyDeleteThis Event has all the right touches. The numbers will SWELL as the time given to it increaes beyond the first day or two.
This must not be some kind of "one day wonder march." This needs to SWELL in numbers upwards to 20 MILLION PISSED OFF Americans, and then INCREASE from there.
If not this, what? If not now, when?
If not in this way, how?
There will always be verbal snipers here, but then, who do they work for? DHS-BS?
See YOU in WDC land!
This was actually planned with a two week deadline date. I thought the news could spread and more would join. This needs to have just a 24 hour deadline. The logistics of taking care of everyday needs for the people are crazy for that amount of time. Just think about bathroom needs alone.
DeleteThis blog was only posted late March 3rd. and there have been close to 30,000 views. I know that is not much, but the only promotion I have done is on the FaceBook The Consensus page. And there are only about 2900 members to that page. So people are getting the word out and hopefully it doubles and triples every day.
I'm trying to do something, too. May 1st. I hope you're still there.
ReplyDeleteWe need to talk about this!
DeleteThere are dozens or groups like us out there, unfortunately the heads of some of those groups are not as serious as the people following them are.
You can email me at
This idea is the stupidest thing I've heard of. You say the govt is too powerful, yet you plan to march on the capital. If the government were looking for a reason to oppress the public, guess what, you would have handed it to them on a silver platter. If everyone wants to make a difference as they say, you must first unite the people. And its not a physical act that must occur first.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing that should be done is to try to vote them out. There are so many groups of people who say the government is out to get us, and it may be true. But we have to prove it first. The best way is to get the message out to vote for independents, and when none get elected, everyone will know. The hacktivists anonymous claim to be very powerful and yada yada. Why not challenge them to put their metal where their mouth is. Have them hack the media outlets, and any other domain they can to spread the word. 'Vote for independents in 2013 or (whatever you believe is coming) will happen.
Second the ' I will lead the charge' is stupid, it puts some sort of importance on yourself. If you really want to make a difference, you must be willing to put yourself in danger always. The important part isn't about playing some defining role. The important and lacking part overall is catalyst. If you're serious about something like this, then you truly shouldn't have cared if word spread or if it would have worked. You would have done it all by yourself, just to try to get someone, anyone to care. You say you're willing to die, but if you had marched on your own, the worst thing that would have happened would be prison. but you obviously weren't even willing to face that reality.
Yes let's vote them out. Like your vote matters anymore. As if the elections are not rigged and those electronic voting machines can't be fixed. Plus they already know, no matter what they do they have a 98% chance of getting re-elected.
DeleteAnd yes the people do need someone that will lead them. And this is about Public opinion. And If it was all about me, my name would have been all over the consensus page on FB from day one.
So tell me what protest, petition, or voting has worked in the past for the benefit of the people?
Look what happened to all the people the Tea Party got into office. They all promised they would not take money from bankers and even got on finance committees and looked what happened in about 6 months, they all are supporting the banks and even yelling at their own constituents that question them. I guess you missed that in the news too.
Oh, and also, once you removed the govt whats your stupid plan then? Hey, everyone in the United States, lets have a real quick vote for the next govt? You have the forward thinking abilities of a two year old.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you couldn't read all of it to get your own answers. It's about ending the system that controls our politicians and corrupts them. It's about ending the central banks, getting the lobbyists money out of government, it's about campaign finance reform. Going after the people will do nothing. We could replace everyone of them tomorrow and the system will just corrupt the new one in about 6 months.
DeleteYou do install a set of guidelines as in the Constitution and make sure they stay within those guidelines. The problem is they Constitution can be interpreted many ways. We know what it is suppose to mean, but they take it upon themselves to twist it the way they want. And the system is there to back them up. Even the Supreme Court will not go against the system and their objectives.
I didn't read all of it no. I got to the stupid 3 year old's tactic where you talked about throwing paintballs in the air to distract police and I stopped. Any person with an ounce of discipline knows that you keep your eyes on the threat and not what they throw. You are a fucking retard and part of the reason the government feels it needs to control us. You also should know that the supreme court is part of the government. You know, the whole THREE branches thing. The only people who are following you right now are either nut cases who believe in all the conspiracy theories or people who have no lifes but want to feel a part of something. 2 million people does not qualify as a majority opinion. If you want to make a difference be a man and let your identity be known. You claim the system has hidden agendas, why would anyone trust one man who wants to start something like this but can't even share his own name. I hope you do this, and I hope you get gunned down like the idiot you are.
DeleteAnd I'm sure you think everything the Gov is doing is OK and within the limits of the Constitution.
DeleteAnd if not tell me how you stop them. Tell me what method working within the system has worked in the past.
You have to go back over 100 years to show any results, and that's because the system did not have complete control over the gov. and the people yet.
So what will work? If you can tell me a feasible plan that will work within the system, I will stop this and put all my efforts behind that. I have been fighting the system for over 30 years so I would love to hear what you think will work.
And way to criticize something without having all the facts about it. Or willing to read to understand the psychology behind it.
DeleteMoron Labe!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm writing to offer a little constructive criticism. You can learn one thing from the system. Public Opinion. That's the best weapon we have. Politicians use it against us in every election. They put their signs everywhere. You can't leave your house without seeing them. We can do the same thing and it costs nothing. Advise people to make their own signs and put them in front of their houses, in apartment windows, and write an their car windows. All free. Spread the message that way. Gain the support of every citizen. I urge people to make signs that say: "Break the Bankers" since they're the ones who own our government. Choose whatever words you want but make signs. Give yourself that semi-permanent advertising to inform the whole country.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! And yes this is all about trying to get the masses to support this. That's one of the reasons for the dress code and being Nonviolent. And I personally have been bringing this out into the public away from the internet. The biggest problem we have is time and the willingness for people to stick their neck out in fear of becoming a target of the Gov. If anything that Fear should make you want to stick your neck out. But People can rally around the main objective and goal, which is to remove the money that influences and controls the politicians. Through the lobbyists, campaign financing reform and the Fed Res.
DeleteThanks for the input, it's always needed, that's what shaped this in the first place.
I think your plan could work if it is ordained by God. I would suggest that those that do not or cannot physically participate, that they could participate as prayer warriors. Thousands will be needed.
ReplyDeleteIf people do not stand up for what is right, God cannot and will not violate our free will. But yes, pray for wisdom and courage.
DeleteSeems like this is just a trap for them to round you up and put you in the prison camps.
ReplyDeleteDon't let that happen! Stay at home and do nothing - if enough people participate, we can make a point about people power.
***URGENT NOTICE*** If you really are going to March, first of all you can be non-violent, but trust me it will get violent. Second you can re-instate the original documents of incorporation i.e. the declaration of independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, but if you don't make sure that the government is physically reformed as a Not-For-Profit 501(c)3 corporation exclusively dedicated to the benefit of "We The People" according to the decree of the U.S. Constitution, you are wasting your time. Also a peaceful revolution has not yet been proven impossible, but I assure it will not be peaceful if you march millions to the capital, which is why I highly suggest waiting on the States' Militias for further advancement regarding a march. If one marches, we all march, for freedom, and it will not be peaceful.
ReplyDeleteWe are actually working on joining other groups to make on big march. We will try to do what you suggest above, in addition to ending the money in politics. That is the main corrupting factor including campaign reform, especially in the financing area. We will be petitioning the government for redress of grievances which we all know they will ignore even if there are 150 million signatures on it. So, that's where we will first have our Peaceful but determined March on DC. That will be their consequences to ignoring us again.
DeleteHave you heard of Operation Inaction?
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea: Do nothing. Sit at home and chill. Don't go out to eat, don't go to the movies, shopping, work, school, don't drive your car, don't do anything!
Just stock up on a month's worth of supplies, like food, medications - those regular things you'll need - and do nothing.
If more than half the United States does this all at the same time, can you imagine what would happen to the economy? Can you imagine the sort of response that would be triggered?
What's even better is that this isn't violent in any way. It's a silent message. It's not even rebellion. But it will get their attention in as little as one week's time.
There have been studies made on how the country would be affected if just a smallpox outbreak was reported at several key transportation areas like JFK, O'Hare, etc.
Think of what it would do - how your voice WOULD be heard if you were to DO NOTHING for just one week. Two weeks or even one month.
All that's necessary is to do absolutely nothing - don't fly - don't drive or ride a bus or even a subway. Don't leave your home to go to work or shopping - don't send your kids to school - don't pay your bills - don't do anything.
If you are a health care provider - a nurse or doctor - don't go back to your normal duties because once you have all shut down and are not doing your normal activities the beast will be forced to send in its military personnel to staff regular civilian duties until they end the Country's strike.
But in order to bring this beast to its knees you will need the vast majority of people to follow suit. In one weeks time - just 7 days of no activity the President will be urging every American to go back to work and their normal activities.
In two weeks time he will be begging you - and in one month the government will be in such dire strait they will be willing to listen to the people's voice. All done without firing a shot or any kind of violence - simply unify and DO NOTHING until the beast is brought to its knees by your inaction.
Pass it on! Operation Inaction Starting April 1, 2013
Yes, I think it's a great idea if you can get about 30-40% of the population to take part. Unless people are willing to stick their necks out and possibly lose their job. Plus many couldn't financially handle that. But I agree people should understand every time they spend a dollar they are supporting the system in many ways. After all it is an instrument of debt not actual money. After all they do call it a "Note"
DeleteWell said! We know that it's unlikely to happen but we want to at least try. A bloody rebellion could be averted.
DeleteThought you may be interested in this. Posted on the Indiana Sentinels Page on Facebook. I am working on verifying this, any help would be appreciated. GOD speed!
ReplyDeleteIndiana Sentinels
29 minutes ago ·
For dissemination throughout the Frontiersmen and to our friends
RE: Federal action against patriot groups in US
Today at 10AM there was a very large meeting at the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) headquarters in Clarksburg, WV. The meeting was held in an auditorium and included everyone – from agents to the secretaries. The meeting was organized by the Director of the Biometric Identification Management Agency (BIMA), Colonel Bolo (ret.).
Bolo summarized the purchase of 24 new armored vehicles (each costing $400k) and the recent appearance of 20 mobile headquarters that are now present at the facility. The mobile units are semi-trailers with attached generators in the front; are of a shiny, mirrored-silver finish; and have no identifiable markings on them at all. There are 20 of them parked (visibly in front) at 1000 Cluster Hollow Rd, Clarksburg, WV as of today. Additionally, there are 24 armored cars (the same ones we have seen with DHS markings) parked in a different lot on this property, but they too may be visible.
The Colonel went into great detail on a list of patriot/constitutional groups. According to witnesses, this is a list that may be identical or very close to the one put out by the SPLC but had over 1000 groups on it. He explained that although groups may take advantage of the 2nd Amendment debate to garner followers now, at the heart of all these organizations is a racist core; one that poses a threat and will need to be dealt with soon. This is when he tied the armored cars and mobile command trailers to ‘the mission’.
The armored cars (those at the facility and nationwide) are to effect high-risk warrants on the ringleaders of the listed various groups with command centers being placed as necessary. The DHS and FBI are planning to move at one time against the listed groups; with SWAT teams being utilized against the more threatening ones. The colonel explained that all these groups have been successfully infiltrated and the leaders identified. He also explained that this is part of the new Internal Security Force that the president has been alluding to. In answering a question from an attendee regarding the mass purchase of ammo, he also stated that the buildup of arms and ammo was specifically for this ‘mission’.
The witness has told me that after the meeting, everyone they seen were against this. People were complaining, shaking their head in disbelief, and asking what the heck going on. According to them, NOBODY (including federal agents present) planned on going along with this and many even talked about how this will ignite a war.
The report I received can be verified through any personal contacts you may have at this center or connected to the agencies mentioned. You may also visibly inspect the lot for these trailers by driving to the location in Clarksburg. The witness was extremely bothered by the meeting and has said ‘it is coming and a hell of a lot sooner than people think’.
I used to think that mass roundups would never happen – but with this new information, I can clearly see that this is exactly what is going to happen (at least to a certain number of militia/patriot groups). And inevitably, any action this crazy will result in a reaction by others. The specter of Civil War in this country is a real and present danger folks – prepare.
I agree, and it's only going to get worse as time goes on and that's why the People need to put a stop to this Lunacy. I hope we get 5 to 10 million people there. Especially after we are changing the plan a bit and working with other groups. I don't think they are ready for that many people.
DeleteI'm seriously left with more questions than I am answers on this.... it read like a deployment order or SMEAC minus the C which is the Command and Signal portion. So you get all these clowns to step down voluntarily and then what? Who is sitting in the seats of power? What is their agenda? Who will that be? Have they been vetted? It's pretty rough to go this road without those answers.
ReplyDeleteAlso, who owns this website? There are a myriad of things that could be this... is this a government operation to get all those like minded in one place and as the media would spin it "quell an insurrection by evil militias and racist veterans"? A couple thousand dead patriots and Veterans would shut up a large amount of the people against this tyranny.
I just have a hard time trusting anything I see on the internet, call it the old Marine in me but theres a thing called OpSec and putting out your plan on the internet isn't really in the mold of that.
I'll be waiting for some answers.
Semper Fi
Thanks for your comments and concerns,
DeleteSeveral of your questions are answered in the blog, but I will try to answer them better for you here.
The main objective is to get the money out of politics. That is the main controlling and corrupting factor. Restore this country to a True Republic. Everything that this government has done since the the 13th amend. has been directly against the guidelines of the US Constitution.
As far as you sits in the positions temporarily, could be anyone that is not connected to the current system. I would rather have you sit as temp Pres. than any current or past politician.
I have not made myself public yet, I will shortly before the March. That time frame might change slightly because we are now working with other groups. I'm not worried about the gov knowing who I am, because I'm sure they can figure that out instantly. It's the public that supports the system is more violent and unpredictable. If I showed the death threat messages I get and the things they would like to do to my family...... Well let's just say I would like to make it to DC first.
I don't blame anyone for thinking this could be a Gov OP. but what the gov really wants is an Armed revolt. We will not be dressed like a crazy extremist group. We did go over dress codes and such. I will be in a suit and tie, and I hope others will be dress the best they can. Like I said we will be going to the biggest interview of our lives. Public Opinion. And World Opinion for that matter.
I hope you got a chance to read it all, I know there is a lot of info there, but it explains a lot of the whys and hows. Hope this helps and I always welcome any questions, comments, concerns and input of any kind.
I believe that this, OR State Nullification, is the first step to RESTORE the RULE OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWs, especially but not limited to the VITAL eighteen enumerated powers clauses under Article I Section 8, PURSUANT to the Ninth and TENTH AMENDMENTS and the money clauses of Article I Sections 8 (clause 5) and 10 (clause 1).
ReplyDeleteThese LAWs which WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established upon our elected and non-elected Republican and Democrat Federal public servants must, above all, be restored to full force and affect, which will dissolve the powers, size, scope and spending of the usurped powers of The Federal Government and restore these and the money for them back to the free and sovereign States and The People, from whom they were stolen.
I like this plan.
BUT EVERY SINGLE PERSON must sign a PLEDGE that they understand that the PRIMARY purpose of this action is to RESTORE THE RULE of our LAWs, especially but not limited to the eighteen enumerated powers, size, scope and spending which We The People granted them for the privilege to serve us in these eighteen limited capacities, in order to dissolve the U.S. Government back down and chain them down to "secure the Blessings (and individual wealth and prosperity) to ourselves and our Posterity" (Preamble of The Constitution).
ALL of those who go to do this cannot be afraid of collapsing the US Government to conform to the Law and also must understand that we are also collapsing "The Matrix" the unsustainable computer generated dream world economy based on imaginary money printed and digitized out of thin air which has been designed FROM THE BEGINNING to manipulate and control our daily lives, decisions, choices and behaviors in a prison you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
They must realize that by collapsing The Matrix "system" we will likely have economic hardship for 3 - 5 years, but after that the average common workingman/family will become wealthy and powerful in the ether of TRUE freedom, free of The Matrix (The System).
You're exactly right! And that's exactly what we want to do. We just want to restore the rule of law and make our representatives follow the guidelines of the Constitution.
DeleteThanks, I will steal some of that verbiage you wrote, after all this has been a collaboration of thousands of people's comments on Facebook over a couple of years and dozens of different pages. I just happen to be the mouthpiece that put it all together.
Thanks for your input, it is always welcomed!
ReplyDeleteI am from the Patriotic Coalition Force which is a Facebook group and we are totally on the same page with you and support you. However I think the only thing you need is a FREE website set up for this. Blogger is tough. I posted it on my page(s) but to get the max set up a simple 2 page site from wix(dot)com. We are behind you any way we can. However, No suit for me. Business Casual ;)
Thanks for the support! Please help spread the word.
DeleteIt's going to take all groups uniting to make this happen.
I wish I had time to make a web page. that's why it will take everyone to do what they can to help this movement.
Also use EVENTFUL, CRAIGSLIST, OLX and every other social media you can get your hands on....
ReplyDeleteThanks Maybe everyone should start one for their own state too, or county. People need to take charge of their own destiny.
ReplyDeleteThis is a well-prepared plan of action when 'fair' elections retains a corrupt system. Oh, and greetings from Malaysia. Please show the world, what "We The People" can achieve. I wish you godspeed!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Please help spread the word. I get so many questions and messages from people all around the world.
DeleteThis could effect the entire world for the betterment of mankind.
I found this very interesting & informative & very well thought out. I hope it works out & yes it is long over due. Getting to DC would be a problem for me financially :( I can blame that on the system. lol but seriously god be with you all its time for change
ReplyDeleteWe need people like you to get the word out in every way possible. That's the only way we have a chance.
Delete100,000 people sitting in silent meditation together whether on Capitol Hill or downtown D.C. shall "rally the troops" on a level uncomparable to a marching demonstration. Please seek an eastern method to trumping/dissolving this western machine madness. It seems best to seek a means for accessing freedom through our Higher Selves so that our whole Hue-women Self can be united. I would most definitely travel across country for such. anything less falls under the physical limits. Nonetheless We know All will be righted and Soon and very soon we'll see. Blessings to everyOne!
ReplyDeleteSo so so unbelievably excited to find out about this plan. I hate to admit it, but I have literally been sulking for the past few months as I've been doing research and really come to realize how deep in the hole this country is. I always thought it was so hopeless until I read this. I am flat broke, unemployed, and currently tied up in some intense family and personal issues. But none of those issues matter if I do nothing about my rights being taken away. I know for something I care about as much as this I can easily scrape together the few hundred bucks it will take to get out there. I will not go down without a fight. I am agnostic but I can honestly say I hope to God there is a great turnout. Even if only 1,000 show up, I will be one of them. Greetings from Utah, see you all in April.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I hope we can get 1 million people there, but that will only happen if we can spread the word.
ReplyDeleteEveryone that believes in this needs to try to do a little something everyday to get the word out.
Check out our Facebook page, The Consensus. There is a ride share page pinned to the top of the wall. We are also working on chartering buses from main cities west of St. Louis.
See You There.